Madam Chair and distinguished members of the Committee, we thank you for giving the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada the opportunity to add its voice to those of the many individuals and organizations in Canada that support Bill C-56, which provides for the payment of special Employment Insurance benefits to self-employed workers, that is, parental benefits and maternity, sickness and compassionate benefits.
Permit me to remind the committee members that CGA Canada represents 73,000 certified general accountants and students. You'll find our members and our students in industry, finance, government, and public practice. They are respected accounting and financial management professionals. CG Canada was founded over 100 years ago, and our role is to establish designations, certification requirements, and professional standards. We also offer professional development. We conduct research and advocacy and represent our members nationally and internationally.
Bill C-56 is an important piece of legislation for Canadians and for CGA Canada and its members. My colleague Madam Pohlmann has given an excellent description of the sector. We recognize the role that self-employed Canadians play in advancing investment, job creation, productivity, innovation, and expertise.
We know from the data that the numbers continue to increase. There are about 200,000 professional accountants in Canada, and approximately one in five is self-employed. Bill C-56 has a direct impact on this group of self-employed professionals, whether they're owners of accounting practices or other small businesses, consultants, tax advisers, management information technologists, or specialists in human resources.
In the past few years, CGA-Canada has seen a large increase in its membership, particularly women. Approximately 60% of graduates today are women. It is therefore perfectly natural from the standpoint of self-employed women, who face many challenges as mothers and in many cases the person responsible for taking care of their families, that our organization would take an interest in ways of improving the Employment Insurance regime and making EI benefits more accessible.
Our members were consulted a few years back, and the results showed that because they are not entitled to maternity benefits, self-employed women often wait to start a family because of their professional responsibilities. Others, meanwhile, wait until their children are grown to build their own career. And down the road, even though self-employed women cannot afford to take care of their aging parents, they have no choice.
Bill C-56 eliminates the difference between the families of employees and the self-employed, whereas everyone faces the same responsibilities and problems.
It is a question of equity. For the very first time, self-employed workers in Canada will have access to Employment Insurance and will have the option of contributing to the plan and receiving the same special benefits as those who are employed. This will enable them to meet their family responsibilities without having to make a choice.
CGA-Canada has long advocated on matters that are in the public's interest. Providing greater financial security and income protection to more individuals at this time is in the best interests of all Canadians.
We also believe that it's not just an issue of extending benefits to allow self-employed workers to opt into EI benefits; it's about making measurable improvements to the existing system so that these new entrants are brought into a strengthened EI system. But how do we accomplish this task? How do we improve the system and at the same time ensure that the framework is economically viable and does not place an undue burden on the government, employers, and employees who pay into the system? That is indeed a tall order.
CGA-Canada would be remiss if we did not offer a cautionary note. We understand that the government expects that the plan will be self-financing, although it can offer no guarantees since the program is voluntary and its sustainability depends on the uptake. In effect, this means that a deficit situation may be possible, or one that is less than break even. Some concerns have been expressed that this could put pressure on government finances and/or have a detrimental impact on EI premiums, where rates could increase.
Madame la présidente and members of the committee, thank you for your time this afternoon. We look forward to participating in the question-and-answer period.