Good morning.
My name is Roy Eyjolfson and I'm speaking to you on behalf of Bifrost Bio-Blends from Arborg, Manitoba. I'm accompanied here by the president of our company, Mr. Denis Kaprawy. My role at Bifrost Bio-Blends is project manager, and we are currently in the middle of trying to get our venture off the ground. It has been a year of trials and tribulations, combined with a lot of frustration. This will be dealt with later in my comments.
It's my understanding that your mandate is to study the agricultural policy framework. It's a mammoth task and one I don't envy you in dealing with. Hopefully, the comments made here, in the context of our small operation located in small-town Manitoba, will be of interest to you.
To put a framework around the next ten minutes, I will speak to four areas: first, basically who we are; second, what we're trying to accomplish; third, why we're committed to the success of our venture; and fourth, hurdles and challenges we have encountered, from which you can draw your own conclusions.
First, who is Bifrost Bio-Blends? Bifrost Bio-Blends Ltd. is a group of 25 investors who came together last year with a vision of forming a company to produce biodiesel. Fourteen members of the investor group are local area farmers, all having canola as their crop mix. They view the biodiesel venture as an opportunity to provide an alternative delivery point for their crop. There's a lot of interest in the value-added component of the business. This is a real example of producers converting something they grow on the farm to something of tangible value that can be used in their operation. In the case of the canola producer, it is either a form of energy for their own use or a product that has economic value within their region. The product is green, it's carbon neutral, and it has a positive impact on the environment.
The remaining members of the investor group are primarily businessmen from the Interlake area. One member of the shareholder group is Mr. Paul Bobbee. It can be safely stated that Paul was instrumental in generating the initial interest in producing biodiesel in Arborg. He fabricated a pilot plant on his farm and produced biodiesel that met ASTM standards. For safety reasons related to the handling of methanol, only one batch was produced; however, this was sufficient to demonstrate that the concept was not only sound, but economically feasible. He is contacted on a regular basis for advice from people across Canada who need information about biodiesel and he is a source of inspiration in our group.
Secondly, what are we trying to accomplish? The purpose behind our venture is to manufacture biodiesel and market it successfully. Again, the value-added aspect is very attractive to the farmers in the area, who view it as one of the few opportunities to see their efforts as producers come closer to a marketable commodity made right in their own backyard.
The source of oil for the trans-esterification process will be locally grown canola, a large part of which will likely be delivered to the plant by investors in the company. It is estimated that approximately 50% of the canola grown in the surrounding area will be needed for the plant when it reaches full operational capacity. Crushing of the oilseed will be incorporated into the facility and the resulting meal sold into the local feed market. The biodiesel produced will be marketed into the local agricultural community, into the transportation sector and its industry. “Local” in this context is our region.
The operations will start out with a projected annual production of between 3.5 million litres and 5 million litres. Our plan is to increase output to 15 million litres within two years. The decision to begin with low annual capacity was dictated by financial constraints. We are, however, viewing the requirement to start at a reduced output in a positive light. Growth will occur as markets develop and as the public becomes more and more aware of the broad spectrum of benefits that biodiesel brings to the table. People are well aware of ethanol as an alternative form of energy, and biodiesel is only now coming forward as another form of energy. It too is a green form of renewable fuel.