Thank you for the question.
It's very difficult to come up with a model without first of all sitting down together with government to dialogue. At this point, what our request has been is to initiate the dialogue between producers and government.
Part of the problem, as you certainly saw in the Saint-Amable area in Quebec during this past summer, is that the discovery of nematodes on the farm can cause huge devastation. The devastation is not only on that specific farm, it's also much broader than that. The devastation is provincial. It's not only commodity-specific, not only on the potato crop, it's also on any crop that would be transported with soil, typically, such as nursery product.
The production of potatoes on the farms that were found positive for nematodes is, in our opinion, finished. Those farms will no longer be producing potatoes. The investment that these farms have placed into equipment, storage, washing and packing facilities, transportation facilities, and land is all at risk. From a financial aspect, the ability for those farms to continue, to be able to go to the bank and find alternate ways to use their land, is extremely scary at this point.
We don't have a total concept, but because it's a quarantinable pest, similar to BSE or avian flu, we feel there needs to be an agreement in place to ensure that we can continue to work towards the eradication of the pest. At the same time, we are in dialogue with our counterparts. The National Potato Council in the U.S. is currently in harmony with the Canadian industry and working with their government to try to get a similar compensation package within the U.S.