Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
First, in introduction, I'm David Rolfe, the president of Keystone Agricultural Producers. Keystone Agricultural Producers represents approximately 7,000 farm families from across Manitoba, and on behalf of those farm families, I would like to echo Bill's comment: “Welcome to Manitoba”.
I do not have a prepared speech, but I do have a series of bullet points that I would like to address.
First off is a look back at the APF. The APF was a five-year plan, and there was certainly merit in having a five-year plan in place for agriculture. It was the first time that had ever been attempted in Canada. However, it was a five-year plan without a clear vision of where agriculture needed to go.
During the three or four years we've had since 2003, since the program was put in place, most of the time has been spent on program development. A significant amount of time and resources have been put into program development, and the consequence of that means the delivery on the program has been slow. Especially when you look at the environmental programs, business risk management suddenly got a whole series of changes that have complicated the issue.
There have been enormous problems with CAIS. There have been administration issues on the cost of delivering the program, and the wait times that producers have to experience to receive any benefit from this program are just outrageous. CAIS was supposed to put an end to ad hoc payments, but guess what? We've had an ad hoc payment every year since. It certainly hasn't solved the problem. In fact, it has made the problem worse, in many cases.
I was part of the APF review panel that the former minister put in place to look at APF's accomplishments. It became very apparent from the information we received that there had been a significant amount of money spent on the industry one way or another, whether it was in support, through the CAIS program, whether it was in development of programs, and so on and so on, but what we couldn't find was any real results on the ground. There was no evidence that the money being spent had actually made a difference to agriculture.
When you look at Manitoba's situation in particular, in 2001, Manitoba had 21,000 farms. By 2005, we were down to 18,000 farms. I don't believe APF achieved its goal, not in that period of time.
The business risk management portion certainly hasn't put confidence in the industry. It hasn't put enough confidence in the industry to make investment. If we look at the amount of debt that industry carries—and I have some statistics here—that debt has doubled since 1996. It was around $25 billion in 1994—$26 billion, I believe—and it's now up to over $50 billion. In the same time period, net cash income from farms in 1996 was $2.5 billion; and in 2005, it was $1.94 billion. That tells me that we as agricultural producers have been borrowing to stay in business; we haven't been borrowing to invest in our operations.
I'd like to echo one comment that Lorne made, that one size does not fit all. That has become very, very apparent in the programming. We've attempted to make that glove fit right across Canada, and it simply cannot. There are too many regional differences, too many provincial differences, and too many commodity differences.
There's a perception that there's a lack of progress in some areas. Food safety is one where we're receiving messages from AAFC that food safety hasn't moved on as quickly as possible. That's a myth. The food safety program has been driven by the commodity groups since the mid-1990s and has achieved considerable growth in that time, up until APF I started. There has been growth since then, but perhaps it has not been enough to suit AAFC's mandate. But the growth was in the initial stages in the mid-1990s and up until 2003, and there has been a significant increase since then by commodity groups that have been moving forward. So that piece is a myth.
One of the other disappointing facts just recently is that there has been a disbanding of advisory committees. That is disappointing because we feel there's a significant need for more advice to the department to develop programs and policy that are meaningful for farmers and are practical to work. So I certainly hope there's an opportunity to put some of those committees back in place. The ultimate result of loss of farmer input into the process is poorly designed and impractical programs. We need to correct that issue right now.
As I mentioned, right from the get go, APF I was a collection of programs with no clear vision. We have to develop that clear vision. We have to know where we are going. We have to take a look at where this industry needs to be 15 years down the road and then put policy and programs in place to address that.
Farmers need to know that government recognizes the need when it comes to safety nets. The current mess with CAIS, which it is, certainly doesn't put any confidence in the industry. We need predictable and bankable business risk management programs. What we don't need is a carry-on of existing programming.
We started off with AIDA. It was the same principle, a margin-based program. Then we went to CFIP--same principle, a margin-based program. Now we have CAIS. Well, guess what? It's like banging your head against the wall. If it didn't work the first time, it's not going to work the third time.
In your documentation you have an idea from our organization for a contributor-style program. It is the registered farm stabilization program. I would be more than happy to attempt to explain how that may benefit producers as we move forward.
We were glad to see that there was mention of a contributory-style program when the Prime Minister made the announcement in Saskatoon. That certainly is something that industry has been pushing for.
We also recognize, as a farm organization, the importance of supply management in the business risk management envelope. That is certainly critical to Manitoba.
We are looking for a seamless transition between APF I and APF II. There are some difficulties with uncertainty as to whether some programs are going to continue, especially on the food safety side and the environment side. We need that transition to be seamless. There has been a tremendous uptake on the environmental programs. We don't need that progress to stop.
We need to ensure a more predictable operating environment. We are all business people right across Canada, and we need that certainty within the industry so that we can make the investment to move forward. We need that opportunity.
We don't need to repeat the mistakes of the past, and I refer to CFIP and AIDA on that. We need to ensure that all pieces of the puzzle are in place, as opposed to a patchwork approach. I will be more than happy to explain that as we get into the question period. Certainly when it comes to completing a jigsaw, which the farm business envelope is, we don't need a piece missing. We need all the bits and pieces of the puzzle to make the enterprise go.
In the area of research--and this was a huge mistake in the 1990s when research was pulled back; we are paying the price for that right now, simply because the money wasn't spent, facilities were not put in place, and the people weren't retained. We will be paying the price for that for the next two generations.
We certainly appreciate the commitment to research that the present government has made and the dollars that are flowing.
We need more interdepartmental consultations. All too often we have departments where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. When you get into Health Canada, Environment Canada, and even within the departments of AAFC and CFIA, there is very often no communication, or a lack of communication, between departments. That has to end. If we are going to move this industry forward, everyone has to know what's going on.
We have to be aware of the trade implications of a possible WTO trade deal. One of the issues we've been looking at, as a farm organization, is how we address the possible loss of up to 50% of the level of domestic support that we may experience.
We suggest that APF II is a perfect opportunity to begin to analyze where we need to be 10 years down the road and what type of programming we need in place. We feel there is a significant need to move toward a level of green programming, so that we don't have to make adjustments in midstream APF II. Let's put the right programs in place now. Let's put the environmental programs in place. The classic one that we see fitting into that envelope very nicely would be the ALUS program.
We need to be proactive versus reactive when it comes to policy. We are living with policy now that was designed in the forties and fifties. That was when Canada was emerging and it was the bread basket to the world. We are no longer the bread basket to the world. We have to face that, and we have to put policies in place now that are going to make us competitive in the world. We need to address those issues and we need to address them very quickly.
I would like to make mention of the Canadian farm bill, under the CFA. I think that is an excellent model to move industry forward. It has three pillars: the business risk management pillar, the public benefits pillar, and the strategic investment pillar. I would be more than happy to go into details of that as we get into the questions.
I would like to leave you with a joke. I have a friend in the farm media, and he was sitting right behind me here earlier on this morning. He likes telling me the joke of a farmer. Why do Canadian farmers wear their baseball caps backwards? And I think he tells me this joke to wind me up. He says it's so we can look in the mailbox and find the government cheques. It's actually not. It's because we have our hands tied behind our back so we can get closer to the mailbox and pull those government cheques out with our teeth, because that's what it's like trying to operate under the circumstances we're operating under.
I'll leave you with that thought.