Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here this afternoon.
My name is Peter Watts, and I'm here with my colleague Greg Cherewyk. We work for Pulse Canada in Winnipeg.
I have circulated a presentation to everyone in both French and English.
I will be making my presentation in English, but if there are any questions at the end in French, I will answer them in French.
I'd just like to direct your attention to the upper left-hand side of the presentation. Pulses--you probably all know, but just to make sure--are beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas. Pulse Canada does not cover soybeans, for the most part, or any other pulses at this time.
I'll go through the presentation rather quickly, because I have only ten minutes, so please bear with me.
The first slide shows you the growth in production and exports of pulses in the last 15 or 17 years, and since we're here to talk about innovation, I'd just like to emphasize that innovation has been a critical component in terms of developing new, higher-yielding varieties of pulses that are disease-resistant and that have led to the remarkable expansion of the industry that you can see there, more than quadrupling in production over the last 15 years to over four million tonnes, nearly 4.8 million tonnes in 2005-06.
Canada is now the world's largest producer and exporter of peas and lentils, and an important player in the dry bean and chickpea markets. Innovation has been an important part of that. I'll draw your attention to the example of red lentils. We've shifted or expanded our focus in terms of R and D in recent years to focus more on consumer requirements, end-user requirements. In the red lentil example, Canada developed new varieties that were better for milling and splitting of red lentils. Today we are the largest player in the global red lentil market, and it's no coincidence that in Saskatchewan we have the largest red lentil splitters in the world.
Agriculture Canada has been an important partner with the pulse industry over the years, investing in research and assisting in market development, and again in the case of the red lentil sector, helping to fund a benchmarking study that looked at end-user requirements from export markets that led to the development of these new and improved varieties.
On the second slide, the point I'd like to draw your attention to here is that the agricultural policy framework that came into place in 2003 has, from the pulse industry's perspective, been a success. The pulse industry has been a beneficiary of the APF through a number of programs, but through one in particular, which I'm going to draw your attention to today, and that is a pulse innovation project, which I'm a part of.
The APF focused on five core agricultural areas, and these have been very important areas to focus on, but I think as we look to the next generation of agricultural policy, as was alluded to in the last presentation, we need to expand our focus and take into consideration other areas that have a huge impact on agriculture, including food and drug regulations, transportation issues, intellectual property, and, of course, environment. We have environment in the current APF, but I'm thinking more of policies that will be implemented by Environment Canada in the future.
On the next page, the top slide, the message we'd like to leave you with today is that there are three things that Pulse Canada, the pulse industry, feels we need to focus on as an agriculture sector, and those are research--reinvesting in research--the regulatory environment, and rail movement.
We've talked a lot about research, and I'm sure you've talked a lot about research in these discussions. In your own discussion papers, it was indicated that spending on research on agriculture in Canada is about 50% of that in the U.S. compared with the GDP for agriculture. I have a quote here from a report by the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute from last year, which says:
Government expenditures on research and development have not kept pace with need, or with past expenditures levels. This trend must reverse to provide the needed substantial investment on behalf of the agri-food sector.
So I think, as I mentioned before, the APF has been a success. Investing in science and innovation was a very positive development, and in fact I'd just like to draw your attention quickly to the next slide on the pulse innovation project that we're working on within Pulse Canada, a $3.2 million initiative funded by the science and innovation broker program to develop new value-added opportunities for pulse crops in the North American food sector. We're currently developing an industry strategy and action plan vis-à-vis the North American food sector.
We also have six human clinical trials that are being funded under this study, which are looking at the relationship between pulse consumption and the prevention of chronic disease linked to obesity, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Why are we focusing so much on health? The times are changing, and as you know, we expend a lot of resources in Canada on health care.
Of course, our traditional approach has been treatment, and the focus is shifting toward prevention. As I indicate in this slide, agriculture is positioning itself to be a provider of solutions through the prevention of major health issues.
Passing on to the next slide, at the bottom of page 3, the point here is that the pulse sector is attempting to position itself to be a deliverer of health solutions to consumers, in a food-based approach to health and wellness. This is the reason why we feel that agriculture needs to focus on opportunities in health and wellness, and the pulse industry is doing that.
I'd like to skip over the next page and move on to page 5 to talk about the regulatory environment for a moment. I have four areas, which I've listed here. There is no question that some of these areas are having a significant impact on the agriculture sector. We need to take them into consideration, as we develop the next generation of agricultural policy, given the growing interdependence of agriculture, health, transportation, etc.
In terms of the Food and Drugs Act, I'm not here to criticize Health Canada, but we have a problem with regulatory approval times for new food products in Canada, and it is impeding innovation. We need to look at this.
I have a quote here from a study that was done by Ron Doering two years ago. He interviewed a number of executives at food companies across Canada, who were “nearly unanimous in their recounting of extraordinary delays that are, in the words of one industry leader, 'completely unreasonable, universally recognized as the slowest of all countries' ”. He goes on to say that for one company, “It was faster to obtain a full drug approval than to get regulatory food approval to add calcium to orange juice.”
Again, I'm not here to bash Health Canada, but to say that from an agriculture policy perspective, we need to take into consideration the forces in other areas that are at work when we're developing policy.
The transportation area is a key one. I'd like to finish off the presentation this afternoon by talking about rail movement. Rail is a very important component of the pulse industry. Although we are highly dependent upon bulk movement of crops for export in Canada, increasingly we need to make sure we have a system that caters to smaller crops, such as peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, flax, mustard, and sunflower. Also, wheat and barley are increasingly moving in container out of the country or within the North American marketplace.
While Canada is the largest supplier to the world market of a lot of these crops, we are not the preferred supplier today, given the problems with transportation. In fact, we are branding ourselves on the international marketplace as an unreliable and inconsistent supplier of these products. That's becoming our brand, and it's overshadowing our investment in R and D.
The rail business model must converge with the new agribusiness models that are focusing on niche markets, added value, differentiated products, and on attempting to capture premiums for functionality, food safety, and quality assurance.
We need to brand ourselves as world leaders in the consistent and reliable supply of agrifood products. We can do this by increased cooperation between the railways and agriculture. By better forecasting the movement of crops, agriculture can contribute to system-wide efficiencies. But in return we ask the railways to develop systems to ensure that sufficient railcars are allocated to meet the needs of the industry, and that transit times become more in line with other crops.
For example, right now canola has a transit time of about nine days. It's eleven days for board crops, whereas for pulse and special crops, it's about 16 days. In terms of the variability of the schedule, there is about eight days on either side, so if you are shipping pulse crops to a port position, it might get there in eight days or in 24 days.
You can imagine the impact this has on demurrage costs, in terms of the shippers and container companies you're working with.
Finally, we need to make sure that containers work with the steamship lines, in order to ensure that there is an adequate supply of containers to ship products, both in the port position and the country. As more and more products are being put into containers in the country, this allows us to capture premiums associated with food safety, quality, and identity preservation.
We need amendments to the Canadian Transportation Act that will assist shippers in obtaining competitive options and help resolve disputes when normal commercial negotiations break down.
Finally, we need a level of service review, to ensure the provisions in the Canada Transportation Act are doing what they were intended to do.
Thank you.