Traditionally, Ducks Unlimited Canada would be seen more toward the end of the spectrum, using longer-term securement including land purchases to help meet our habitat and waterfowl objectives.
Over the last few years, we have successfully moved more toward easements, which still enable more annual use of agricultural lands, wherein we only purchase a certain bundle of rights from the landowner for agreeing not to break up or drain natural areas on that property.
We manage the lands we own. We manage them for wildlife, as a first priority, but we use grazing or haying of those lands on about a five-year rotation to keep up the stand vigour. So they are in agricultural use once every five years on average across the prairies, depending on where you are.
Over the last 10 or 15 years, we've moved more toward working extensively with landowners on range land extension. We've invested in winter wheat, which provides nesting cover for waterfowl, and we've moved more into the policy area, working cooperatively with landowners on things like beneficial management practices, group farm plans, and working to the joint benefit of waterfowl conservation, in our case, and the producer sustainability on the landscape.
So I think we've seen a shift.