Personally, and on behalf of the National Farmers Union, I thank you for the opportunity to be here.
Before I start I want to make a request of all of you. Actually, it's probably more of a plea. I was a participant at the first round, on science and innovation, and I've gone public about this. During the day there was a small handful of farmers invited. We put the issue of farm income front and centre onto the agenda and then when the summary was written it actually reflected a much different atmosphere from what was in the room, and what was occurring.
I sent a letter requesting some changes or at least an explanation of what was going on. Again, I was an invited person representing an important national family farm organization, and what I got back was a form letter.
So when you're doing this, you need to get control of what's happening in the bureaucracy. You're going to get pre-determined answers from the process. I saw that as well in the public round, the second round, where it was tightly controlled.
I know some of you personally, and I know that each one of you, even though you may differ politically on what might be the proper answers and what might be the best thing to do, cares about what is happening with family farmers. I know that you want to leave a legacy from your time in public office of doing something important and making sure that you're not kicking the knees out from under family farmers. And with what I've seen personally in the way this process is working, you're going to wear that, each and every one of you. You're going to wear a legacy of undermining family farmers and making a bad situation worse.
I'll leave that with you. Just remember that you're the ones who are making the decisions in the end and remember to take everything that's coming out of this with a grain of salt. I saw personally that I took detailed notes of the meeting I was in, and they did not reflect what happened in the summary you'll be getting. It's still posted online.
I say that to you quite frankly, not as being from the NFU or a farmer, but as a father who wants his children to do what I think is the most important job anybody can do down the road, and that's to create food for a community and for a nation. I'll leave it at that.
Part of what I see as happening and the NFU sees as happening with the discussions around business risk management is that it's a false discussion in a way, that it's not the problem that we don't have the perfect business risk management program. We've had a number of programs over a number of years. All of them have had failings of one kind or another.
The current CAIS program has many failings, and unless you've just flown in from another planet, given the jobs that you are doing, you're all familiar with what those shortcomings or failings are. I'm not going to detail them because they're in the brief that we presented, and I presume you know where that's going anyway.
The problem is that business risk management programs are being asked to do something they can't possibly do. It's an impossibility. Business risk management programs are meant to level out the peaks and the valleys. They assume that over the medium term there'll be profitability and it's meant to make sure that people get through those valleys.
Zero, which is what we are at in terms of realizing that income, cannot be levelled out. It's always going to be zero. So under the current suite of business risk management programs--and quite frankly what's being proposed in APF-2 is just going to be more of that levelling out at zero and you will see a further decline in farm income--you will see a further ratcheting up of market power, of big agri-business, and you will just see fewer and fewer family farmers.
Someone at my age is demographically, if you do the stats, a young farmer, which is just crazy. When I got my haircut to look nice when I was here today, there was a lot more grey hair on the floor than there was brown hair, and there's not much of it left any more. Yet demographically, statistically, I'm a really young farmer, and that's crazy. That's not good for the farm industry. That's not good for our long-term food sovereignty and food security in the country, and we have to come to terms with it. We have a systemic policy failure that has been happening over the last 20 years.
This can't be laid at any political party's feet. This can't be laid at anyone's feet, other than, in the broader sense, we have not come to terms with where we're going and the fact that we've been declining in farm income, we've been declining in farm profit. But at the same time, exports are through the roof; gross profit is through the roof.
The last five years under APF we saw the worst five years on record for realized net income for Canada's family farmers—the worst ever. That includes the Great Depression. Yet during that period of time, particularly in 2004, we saw the best year ever on record for agri-business. They made record profits like they've never made before.
So when you look at that, it pretty much proves that there's a problem, that the problem isn't that we don't have the perfect business risk management program. Yes, we need those in the interim. Over the next five, ten, or perhaps more years, we're going to have to invest in business risk management. But until we actually deal with the underlying problems, the problems of market power, the problem of consolidation and the fact that we have a Competition Act but we don't really enforce it and it's not really beefed up....
On the agri-business side, we see greater and greater concentration of market power, which puts the individual family farmer at greater and greater peril, because they just don't have the ability to negotiate a price with some huge multinational, transnational corporation. It's just not happening.
If you want to really get behind business risk management and really get to the issues of some of the problems, yes, you have to fix CAIS or replace it, and all that kind of thing in the short term, but there's a long-term project here too, and that long-term project is income, realized net income.
Just to throw some figures at you, we're seeing a great deepening of debt for farm families. It now stands at around $52 billion. That's what's happening; that's how farmers are getting through. They're increasing their debt load, their equity is going down, and they're replacing the failures of CAIS, the failures of other programs, and the fact that they just can't get what it raises.
We have a pretty mixed operation, but primarily we are cow-calf, cow-calf to finish. I'm not getting out of the marketplace anything that remotely comes close to what I should be getting on that price, but I can't negotiate a better price. I can't say, “Sorry, this year my widgets cost 48¢ to produce, so the price is going up, pal.” It just doesn't work that way. So government needs to be stepping in, both with business risk management but also with the Competition Act.
The other thing that's happening is that farmers are relying on off-farm income to a tremendous earth-shattering amount, and that has effects on our communities and on our families. If you're a young person and you see your parents working literally 19 hours a day just trying to keep things going, that's not a big inducement to say you'd really like to do that. Again, it's about income.
I know my time is getting really close, so I just want to say that one of the things we can be doing in government is supporting collective marketing and supply management. The best risk management program out there is collective marketing, single-desk marketing, and supply management. Those are the kinds of tools that farmers are going to need into the future as they face these really consolidated transnational organizations.
So get on with business risk management. We know we need to do some work on it, but there's a big long-term project here, and we're all counting on you.