Thank you for being here.
I'm just going to throw some questions out and you can decide who would like to answer them.
I'd like to change the direction a little bit, if I can formulate my thoughts.
Agriculture has traditionally been associated with food. We produce to feed people in the world, ourselves and others. We're talking in Canada about how we can sustain our farming community. One topic that has come up in our hearings was that of food security. Some even suggested that maybe we were at a crossroads, that we have to have a vision, and our vision has to either say we want food security for our nation, and then we set our policy, or we move into this whole multinational global field and take our chances with basically the survival of the fittest, and maybe we'll produce some food and maybe we won't. These are extremes, but these are some ideas that were thrown at us.
When we talk about innovation, the assumption is that we need innovation all the time, that we have to move forward, that we have to make drugs from food, clothes, and of course biofuels. I'm just wondering if it's an assumption that's correct, or are we just moving in this direction? And what does it do for food production and feeding people in the world? The more we move into this—we've had this debate with biofuels—does that mean we have less available food to feed people of the world? Are there dangers in innovation and science and technology?
There have been some disturbing studies in regard to GMOs and their effect on human health. I'm wondering, are we not moving too quickly? There is a movement—and I'm getting letters and letters—against the idea of terminator seed technology, that seeds can't be reused, and placing farmers in the position of becoming dependent on these seeds, the danger it is, and what it is to communities in the rest of the world.
These are ideas, and I'd just like your comments.
The other thing is that we need innovation, and somehow we have to have more and better business models, yet the message we get when we talk to farmers is, “We're good at what we do; we just need some kind of support, some kind of vision from the government to help get us through, get the markets, get that response to anti-dumping and all that kind of stuff, and we'll do the job.”
I'm throwing out some ideas. I'm not sure how many minutes we have, but I'd like to get some comments from you.