Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
My name is Martin Dufresne, and I am the President of Éleveurs de volailles du Québec. I live in Saint-Félix-de-Valois, northeast of Montreal, where I produce poultry and eggs on a family farm, which has existed for generations. Like all Canadian poultry farms, this operation owes its existence and prosperity to supply management.
As you already know, supply management relies on three pillars: import controls—the two other pillars could not exist without this one—implementation of a level of production that corresponds to market needs, which in turn allows for the third pillar, namely adequate remuneration for all links in the chain, including producers and processors.
Supply management is a social covenant, in accordance with which consumers give the industry—producers and processors—the assurance that they will be the poultry suppliers for the Canadian market, in exchange for a stable and abundant supply of quality products at a reasonable cost.
Under international trade agreements, the threshold for Canadian imports is 7.5% of the previous years' production. This represents 72.8 million kilograms in 2007.
Of all industrialized countries, only Russia, Japan, the European Union and Hong Kong imported more than Canada in 2006. In spite of the social covenant that is the Canadian supply management system, the Canadian poultry market is clearly already quite open.
And yet, the Minister for International Trade, as a result of his decision on tariff quotas in 2007, is opening up the Canadian market even more. While the tariff quota should be set at 72.8 million kilograms, the Minister has authorized an import quota of 81.5 million kilograms for the industry as a whole. In other words, the threshold has been increased to 8.4%.
What is the reason for this decision? In our opinion, the 13% rule is much too flexible and comprises a significant loophole. Development and marketing of new products have given the industry a chance to adapt to the new regulations.
Allow me to explain what the 13% rule is. Chicken breasts to which bacon has been added are a good example: a chicken breast, which is slated to be prepared as tournedos, which contain only 13% bacon, are no longer subject to import regulations. Yet, the product contains 87% chicken and is considered a direct substitute for the type of chicken breast normally consumed by many Canadians and Quebeckers.
The potential shrinkage of the Canadian poultry market as a result of the arrival on the market of new products made with imported meat calls for some adjustment to the regulations. Import permits for products that could compete could be issued in order to give Canadian businesses the chance to compete with certain foreign products currently available on the Canadian market. In the case of chicken tournedos, for example, there is no real market competition for products of this nature, since neither Brazil nor the United States produce or sell chicken tournedos at present. However, those countries could easily enter the market because of the generous 13% rule.
All in all, a product that faces no true competition on the market, or faces only marginal competition, can be made with a chicken breast produced abroad and processed in Canada. Each chicken breast imported into Canada is one less from Canadian producers.
The products in question have been specifically introduced to bypass import rules, at the expense of chicken production in Canada.
They meet neither the spirit nor the letter of the social covenant that is supply management. Who benefits from this situation?
Certainly not producers, who are kept from producing 8.7 million kilograms. Not consumers either, because if these products were not imported, they would be produced here. The supply and demand situation would be identical in both cases.
The only party that stands to gain from higher import levels is the industry, by virtue of the profits that will be generated.
Canadian society comes out on the losing end. It deprives itself of economic activity, to the benefit of a minority.
The imported meat provides no comparative advantage to the meat produced in Canada. Production could very well occur here in Canada.
It is imperative that the Government of Canada assume its leadership role and enforce previously agreed to trade agreements. Recourse to Article 23 could result in changes to Canada's commitments with regard to the WTO. We believe this option should be explored in order to cap chicken content at 20% in non-quota import products, rather than leaving it at the current 87%. In fact, a broad coalition of industry representatives, growers, processors and further processors supports this demand.
This condition is essential to the maintenance of supply management systems, as well as to our commitment to the social covenant.
Thank you.