Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association welcomes this opportunity to appear before you all today.
I'm a director of the association, and I farm near Red Deer, Alberta. I also sit on the board of directors of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission, and I recently completed a term in the Canadian Canola Growers Association. However, my views here today will be primarily from the wheat growers' perspective.
Joining me today is Blair Rutter, our executive director from Winnipeg.
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers are a prairie-wide voluntary farm organization. For 38 years we've been advocating forward-looking farm policies to improve the profitability and sustainability of our farms. Our board of directors consists of 12 farmers who have a passion for agriculture and the determination to make farming more profitable. It is our optimism about the future of our industry that keeps us energized.
Grain prices are currently strong in western Canada, so that's helping to fuel our optimism. We know, however, that good grain prices can be fleeting, so that's why we're always seeking policy solutions that will help make farming more profitable on a long-term basis. We see biofuels as an excellent opportunity in helping us to achieve that goal.
Bill C-33 makes provision for regulations that would require gasoline to contain a 5% average renewable content by 2010 and diesel and heating oil to contain 2% average renewable content by 2012. The wheat growers support this legislation and urge committee members to give it their full support as well.
Currently, there are five commercial ethanol plants in operation in western Canada and two more that will be opening soon this year. Combined capacity of these plants will be 500 million litres, which would, in total, consume about 1.4 million tonnes of wheat, or approximately 7% of the average wheat production in western Canada. Of course, these wouldn't use wheat exclusively; corn and other cereal grains would be part of that as well.
While ethanol has been produced on the Prairies for more than 25 years, we really are in the infancy stages of a large-scale biofuels industry in western Canada, so it's difficult to predict the full impact. In our view, biofuels and bioproducts represent a great opportunity to create a more sustainable future for our industry. Over the next few minutes, I'll talk to you more about the value of biofuels to prairie grain farmers.
First of all, increased ethanol production will help reduce our dependency on foreign grain markets. There are always a number of risks when you're exporting grain offshore. We're vulnerable to tariff and trade barriers, labour disputes, railway service disruptions, and high ocean freight rates. In the past year, the prairie grain business has been disrupted by two railway strikes and a trucker walkout at the Vancouver port. Having more grain processed domestically helps mitigate the impact of such disruptions.
Another benefit of the ethanol industry is that it would provide farmers with another local outlet for marketing their grain. As we've discovered in the canola, oats, and pulse sectors, local users of grain improve competition and help support local prices. The value of ethanol and biodiesel plants will be particularly evident when grain downgraded by weather or disease is able to be used for biofuel production.
Increased local processing also reduces our dependency on shipping grain by rail. In western Canada, our industry continues to be constrained by service and performance issues in the rail sector. In this regard, the wheat growers were very pleased to see transportation legislation, Bill C-8, passed by Parliament, and we thank all parties for their support of this legislation. It's my understanding that it has been passed by the Senate and is just awaiting royal assent.
The fact remains, however, that in western Canada the two main railways haul about 65% of the grain we produce. In our view, one way to improve rail service and increase competition in grain handling is to increase the amount of grain that is processed locally. Wheat varieties that are well suited to the ethanol industry often have agronomic advantages and so they represent a good rotational fit on many farms. Promoting a biofuel industry also creates more jobs and economic activity in rural areas. For those farmers who invest in these facilities, it also gives them an opportunity to capture a greater share of the value chain.
Finally, processing more of our grain locally helps ease the growing congestion on the rail lines and at ports. Rather than shipping our grain long distances, we think it makes more economic and environmental sense to process it closer to home.
In our view, there's no question biofuel plants provide tremendous value to grain farmers and communities across western Canada. We note that the renewable fuel standards contemplated in this legislation include provision for next-generation feedstocks, including straw and other biomass material. The wheat growers also support these forward-looking provisions.
We recognize and appreciate the concerns raised by the livestock sector with respect to the possible increase in feed grain prices resulting from the development of a biofuels industry. Many of our members also have livestock operations, so we take these concerns very seriously.
We note that studies in the U.S. have shown that livestock operations have flourished around ethanol plants. This is also the case in Canada. In fact, the oldest ethanol plant in western Canada—the Pound-Maker facility in Lanigan, Saskatchewan—is a fully integrated ethanol and feedlot operation. Other ethanol projects under development have a strong livestock component.
We think it's worth noting that many of the wheat varieties that are well suited for ethanol plants are much higher yielding than varieties used in the milling industries. Often, yield per acre is substantially higher than that of milling varieties. If the ethanol industry expands significantly in western Canada, we could see higher production of wheat, corn, and other feed grains. The resulting distiller dried grains, or DDGs, produced from these plants will provide the livestock industry with a relatively lower-cost feed grain supply.
Admittedly, we don't know what the full impact of biofuels on the livestock industry will be. However, we believe that it's too early to assume that the growth of the biofuel industry will be negative for the livestock sector.
The wheat growers want to see the development of a biofuels industry that is sustainable, without the need for mandates or subsidies of any kind. We recognize that some argue that the biofuel industry will not be viable without government intervention or support. We do not share this view. Of course, economic viability will ultimately depend on the price of the oil and the feedstocks. However, we believe that technological improvements in processing and in variety development will be such that biofuel production will one day be economical and sustainable without government intervention.
Regarding wheat variety development, our association would be remiss if we did not comment on this committee's work in recommending the removal of kernel visual distinguishability, known as KVD, as a criterion for the registration of new wheat in western Canada. The removal of this constraint will lead to the development of wheat varieties that have yield and starch profiles that are well suited to the ethanol industry. We applaud your committee and the federal government for your foresight in bringing about this policy change.
Bill C-33 will also help spur the development of new markets and new uses for our crops. For example, the fractionation of wheat, barley, and other grains offers significant opportunity for the development of healthier food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial products.
In summary, the wheat growers support Bill C-33. The legislation will provide Canadian farmers with greater marketing opportunities and will lessen our dependence on export markets. The development of a biofuels industry will lead to greater investment in crop research and development and in processing technology. It also offers an excellent opportunity to create jobs and economic activity in many rural communities. We ask your committee to endorse this legislation and ensure that it is passed in the parliamentary session.
Thank you again for this opportunity to address you. We look forward to any questions you may have.