Thank you, Erin.
AgriFlex was intended to complement the Growing Forward agenda and to include the Business Risk Management component. This announcement was a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done.
I am here today to ask that the risk management component be included in the AgriFlex program. The reasons for doing this are compelling. AgriFlex, with the BRM component, was the result of a comprehensive consultation process with agriculture stakeholders across Canada, and was finalized in the summer of 2008. AgriFlex counterbalances the ineffectiveness of AgriStability and AgriInvestment in sectors that have low prices on a sustained basis, such that margins are weakened. Table 1, which way we will come to at the end, provides all that information. However, I am not sure you all have a copy of it, because it was not translated.
AgriFlex with the BRM component would be a cost-sharing and risk-sharing partnership, allowing farmers to weather the many ups and downs of agricultural markets, including cost of production and currency fluctuations. AgriFlex with the BRM component was intended to complement the “Growing Forward” policy framework currently being implemented by Agriculture Canada.
“Growing Forward” has its limitations, as national programs can be too rigid to accommodate regional or commodity-specific situations. As Canada is a vast country, agricultural programming needs vary from region to region. AgriFlex with the BRM component is a proactive program to support provincial programs that effectively address safety net issues. They are the opposite of the emergency, ad hoc type of assistance we have seen in recent years. Often ad hoc programs include allowable net sales, called ANS, which means that the ones who were better off receive more than those who are really in need.
Implementing AgriFlex with BRM is a prudent measure, as it would stretch existing government dollars much further, by getting the money to those who really need it. Programming funds that are committed to meet short-term needs not addressed in the current “Growing Forward” framework would be used by AgriFlex to more effectively reach producers who need them most.
Significantly, AgriFlex with the BRM component does not require new federal money, but will mean current funding is spent more effectively. Here, we are referring more to the figures for the period from 2005 to 2007, as there may have been slight changes in recent years; but we are referring to ad hoc programs that came out previously.
And we are not alone in how we feel.
At the last three federal-provincial-territorial meetings, provincial Ministers asked the federal Minister to review business risk management or BRM programs. The provinces are willing to talk to the federal government. Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Alberta have all expressed a willingness to partner with the federal government to develop agricultural programming.
This is an opportunity for the federal government to come to the table in a true partnership and show leadership. AgriFlex is a good public policy. The agricultural industry worked together to develop this proposal, which is intended to complement the federal government's current suite of agricultural programming.
Annex 1 provides figures for 1985 and 1986 as regards corn production. We went back in time to do a simulation, in order to see how the AgriStability and AgriInvestment programs are working. In 1984, prices were quite good and there were no payouts. Reference margins were fairly high. In 1985 and 1986, prices dropped, and the two programs worked because the reference margins were still quite high. Of course, we are talking about an “Olympic” average. Over the years, the margin disappears and the program no longer responds. Even in 1990, the average price of corn was $122.30. Rather than a total contribution of $309, it was $60.38. That means that this program may work well in the very short term, but in the long term, it is not effective.
For cattle and pork producers, after a year or two of bad prices, the program no longer responds. AgriFlex could be used to support productions that are at risk, where there is a real need.
In conclusion, once again, we ask that a business risk management component be included in the federal government's AgriFlex program, so that provinces have the flexibility they need to effectively administer agricultural programming.
Thank you for your attention.