One of the things we're heard, which was mentioned here and I think at every meeting we've been at, is about the concern—this is where actually federal government, or levels of government have some impact—over the regulatory process affecting whatever you are growing: apples, beef, grains, or whatever. That is our kind of regulatory process.
I had a motion that went forward and was passed by Parliament that would help to parallel some licensing. The bottom line of it all, and you've mentioned it, is that we have products that come into Canada that are what I call production management tools. They either can use a pesticide or they can use a veterinary medicine on an animal—say in the United States, because it's licensed there—that is not licensed in Canada, and yet it comes across the border and sits on the shelf in direct competition with us. I've heard this from every group as a regulatory issue that we need to help with. I would ask you, if you can, to help me move this along in any way through our bureaucracy right now. I would very much appreciate it.
In Budget 2009 we brought in a Canada Agricultural Loans Act. It was a bilion dollars for five years to help beginning farmers. It could be used by cooperatives in terms of coming together. Has anyone been able to access it, or do you know about it?