David, when you took over the farm, you were perhaps somewhat less familiar with the farm income stabilization programs. Now that you and Cherilyn are owners, you probably know more about the programs. In your statement, you talked about the old Farm Income Stabilization Program, which has since become AgriStability. That is one of the issues that came up constantly on our cross-country tour, especially when we talked to young farmers. They were saying that replacing CAIS with AgriStability has not changed things much.
I would like to know what you think about this program and whether there are any specific improvements you would like to see. This question is for both of you. I'm addressing you, David, because you're the one who talked about the programs. Should we, for instance, add production costs to the program to ensure that losses arising from time to time are covered more adequately? We know that several sectors are experiencing a great many problems.