Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Just for the sake of our friends at the end, and those who are watching, this is actually our last amendment as the opposition.
I say that because there are, I believe, 110 clauses in the bill, to which we have made eleven amendments. I believe Mr. Valeriote made a few as well. In some cases, they were in the same place but worded slightly differently.
I think, Chair, I'd like to have it in the record that all of them were put in with respect to trying to be creative and helpful and positive. Throughout this entire legislation, we did not try to strike out things just because we thought they should go away.
With respect to the last comment by my friend the parliamentary secretary about the Auditor General, that's why we didn't write it as such, as the Auditor General, when we ostensibly wrote a similar amendment to what Mr. Valeriote has just put forward.
This is an ongoing debate about Sheila Weatherill's recommendation 7, about whether indeed it has been complied with by the government or not. The opposition says no. To be fair, Carole Swan, the past president of CFIA, has also said that she didn't believe it was an audit as defined as such.
The reason for doing this is twofold. One is that I don't believe...and I sat on the subcommittee for listeriosis. When Sheila Weatherill was on a parallel path doing the review, we had a subcommittee of the agriculture committee doing a study, which came out with ostensibly the same recommendations as Ms. Weatherill, minus one or two here or there.
So I have a lot of knowledge and history going back around this issue about what is required under section 7 of Sheila Weatherill's report. The government has continued to say, yes, we did it, even though their president has said, well, no, we really didn't; we kind of did a bit of it, but we really didn't do it.
Folks don't have to take my word around it, because I'm the opposition, of course, and perhaps I'm simply in conflict with the government over this issue. But I would take the word of Carole Swan, who was indeed the president of the CFIA and who said, well, we did a review; we didn't actually do an audit.
That being the case, the reason for this is twofold. One is to comply with recommendation 7 from Sheila Weatherill. The government said they would do all of the recommendations, and that would actually finish it for them. If they did that audit, this would actually be the second-last piece to get done, because part of her recommendation is also to modernize the Safe Food for Canadians Act, which came into force because of one of her recommendations as well, which is an appropriate thing.
We agree with that, and that's why, as folks will notice, after this one we're all “yea” to the end. Then we'll actually get to the name of it, and that will be the last piece.
We notice that we've done these in large groupings in the sense of saying “yea” to, what, 90% of this? That's not a bad working-together environment here—albeit, my friends so far have their last opportunity to actually vote with us on this one. We'll see if we can't help them come to the conclusion that they should.
So there are two reasons here. The Weatherill report is the one that is outstanding. The second is that the government has agreed, through an amendment in the Senate, to do a review in five years and then in ten years, so every five years. The argument for it is that if you're going to do a review in five years, you're measuring it against what, exactly?
It's good to do a review. We agree with the review. The difficulty is that at the end of five years, do you have five because you started at zero? Do you have six because you started at one? Or are you at four because you started at minus one? If you don't have a baseline to draw from, how do you measure? At year five, you now have a baseline, and at year ten you can measure against the five years, and you've lost the first five.
Part of that is a resources thing. The government always assumes that when we're saying something, we're asking for more. As we heard from testimony the other day on this very issue, perhaps in some instances there are too many resources in a place, and they should be adjusted accordingly.
That may well be true. In fact, I would accept that it might be true. I would also accept that it probably is true, because if you actually haven't done the audit, especially around CVS.... This was one of the things that Ms. Weatherill was highly critical of, because actually, at the point she did the review, this was still a pilot program. She was highly critical of CVS, and not just on the part about resourcing it. She was highly critical of the fact that it had never been verified that it did the things they said it would do. That's why we have continued to talk about this since 2009. This is almost three-plus years later, actually. That's exactly what this should do.
Why is there a reluctance on the government's side, besides the cost? And it is agreed there is a cost factor to do this. Why one wouldn't want to determine where exactly we're starting from to go forward escapes me, Chair. It truly does. I would hope in this one instance the government would reconsider and commit to it through the amendment process.
We have missed opportunities in the other amendments, whether big or small, and granted, some were small. I heard the explanations. I accept their explanations, even though I think we could be more explicit in the way we say things.
I believe you are making the greatest attempts in saying, no, you've actually covered that off, but it's over here somewhere. For those who deal with the legislation, they will be able to find it. You're not hiding it; don't misconstrue what I'm saying. For some folks, it's easier to simply get the bill and say, there it is, and I can read through it and see it. In other cases, you go over here and look at the regulation. Those who deal with these processes know where to go and do that. I just like plain language, to make it easy for folks to find.
My friends across the way so far haven't agreed with us on the first amendments. I will reference these parts simply because this is their last opportunity, even though it references another amendment. Mr. Lemieux says they don't want to duplicate. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act has a whistle-blower component to it. The Canada Labour Code has a whistle-blower protection part in it. The Ontario Environmental Protection Act and Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights have whistle-blower protection.
My friends across the way constantly tell us how we need to harmonize our food regulations and safety measures with the U.S. and our trading partners so that we have best practices and harmonization. Lo and behold, in the U.S., the FDA, under the Food Safety Modernization Act, has a whistle-blower protection component in the act.
I know we can't go back, Chair. I recognize that. But I reference those for my friends across the way, because this is your last opportunity on an amendment that we think is actually a positive piece to help the legislation.
I'd ask Ms. Barnes—I shouldn't direct it directly to Ms. Barnes because I'm not sure who will answer—if we can actually have whistle-blower protection through regulation, if at some point the government says, “You know what? Maybe we missed the boat on that. We can add it in.”
I'm not sure who will answer that, whether it's a yes or a no, or a perhaps, even. I will take any answer.