Good afternoon, committee members. I am honoured that you allowed me to be here, considering that what I do not know about honeybees would likely fill two large warehouses. I've never claimed to be an apiary expert. However, what I do know about them concerns me greatly, and I do not need to be an apiarist to understand where our honeybee crisis will take us.
Consistently, for over a decade, Canada has lost vast numbers of hives. In some areas, losses are as high as 90%, though the average seems to be around 30%. It's a constant wonder to me why more people are not taking to the streets in a panic. If a third of all cattle were to mysteriously disappear from pastures, I have no doubt that the public outcry would generate much heated government debate, public discussion, and affirmative action.
Furthermore, no other livestock is a keystone species like the honeybee. Most of our agricultural products are reliant on the honeybee for existence, and I emphatically suggest that the honeybee is the most important domesticated animal on the planet. Yet, committee members, we are losing honeybees without fully understanding why, at rates that are both unsustainable and unacceptable. My fear is that honeybees will be weakened to a point where they may never recover.
For this reason, I created the national day of the honeybee campaign in 2009. From its inception, I knew that creating a day in recognition of honeybees would be a necessary step to instill awareness of this crisis in the public.
Indeed, over a quarter of this nation agrees with me. Within the last four years, proclamations dedicating May 29 as the Day of the Honey Bee have been received from abundant jurisdictions. The stack of original proclamations would indicate that public concern for the honeybee is growing. They also indicate that Canadians want to know what their government is doing to safeguard the honeybee, beekeepers, agriculture, food security, the economy, and the environment.
There can be no question that all of these concerns are connected. While taking steps to safeguard the honeybee is important, even more important is finding out exactly why they need protection in the first place. As I have mentioned, I'm not an expert and I do not have the answers. However, as the founder of the Day of the Honey Bee and representing each of the nearly 250 governmental proclamations that support the establishment of a national day of the honeybee, I have many questions that I think the public deserves an answer to.
For example, what effect do neonicotinoid-based pesticides and other agricultural pesticides have on honeybees? What effect does monoculture and field size have on them, including loss of habitat and forage variety and quantity? What effect does pollination services of beekeepers have on honeybees, particularly regarding translocation of pathogens and diseases through these pollination services? What effect does the lack of genetic diversity have on them in reference to the common practice of queen reproduction? Finally, how does the honeybee suffer from negative public attitude?
It cannot be said that on a rudimentary level the answer to each of these questions is that, yes, these factors are harming them. It is just a fact. Yet, these factors are not the only stressors on the honeybee. They are bombarded by constant risks. If there are pesticides killing honeybees, it would seem logical that these poisons be banned until it can be proven that they are not harmful. It seems reasonable that if monoculture is determined to be a major risk factor contributing to poor diet, perhaps fields can be smaller or interlaced with natural fields, providing a healthier and more varied diet for the honeybee.
It seems practical that, if pollination services are contributing to the stress and contamination of healthy hives, some type of option should be discovered that would make it safer. If the genetic strength and vitality of the honeybee is being compromised because of artificial and mechanized reproductive practices, more honeybees should be allowed to mate and reproduce as nature intended, in order to allow natural selection and strengthen the genetic variation that is needed. If the public is ignorant about the importance of honeybees, and their attitudes toward this pollinator is coloured with fear of getting stung and other ill-informed views, the public should be educated and their flawed views corrected.
A national day of the honeybee can be a focal point around which all the risk factors that are harming them can be investigated and addressed, the first being public education and awareness.
As I mentioned in my brief, I was recently asked by my five-year old niece why I'm pushing for all levels of government in Canada to proclaim May 29 as the day of the honeybee. It is because honeybees are dying. They are disappearing from hives all over the world. My niece asked, and then it struck me that she had no idea why honeybees are important. Most people don't know.
The day of the honeybee is not merely about honeybees nor is it merely about beekeepers, honey production, or agriculture, or the environment, or the economy. The day of the honeybee is about my niece and our future that she represents.
Yes, national day of the honeybee is about honeybees, but it also about all pollinators: insects, birds, and mammals. Honeybees are like the canary in the coal mine that warns of environmental danger. Therefore this day is also about the environment and the stability and vitality that pollinators ensure. Certainly this day is also about agriculture because so much of what we eat is made possible through their efforts, yet they also bring a warning of the risks associated with the mechanization of agriculture and the negative impact that monoculture, and particularly pesticides, have.
Furthermore, while I will not suggest that honeybees are the only pillar to a thriving economy in Canada, I would suggest that their collapse would trigger a larger economic fall. Food is a fundamental and basic need for all people regardless of language, gender, age, ancestry, skin colour, sexuality, economic status, affiliation, or ability. If the honeybee continues to die and food security is jeopardized, the future of all people will be jeopardized as well.
When I explained to my niece that honeybees are disappearing, she began to cry and said she'd have to tell her friends at day care because she didn't want them to go hungry. A five-year-old has enough sense to understand that if there's a problem, the first thing to do is to tell others about it. That is why a national day of the honeybee is so critical.
The numerous applications for this one day are irrefutable. This day is about creating a focal point around which great progress can be made. Beekeepers can use this day to promote their honey and related products and services. Farmers' markets can use this day to stimulate demand for locally grown organic produce. The government can use this day to highlight the steps it is taking to safeguard honeybees. Environmentalists can use this day to advance alternative agricultural practices to protect pollinators in the environment. Jurisdictions can use this day to create public events such as the Smoky River Regional Economic Development's BUZZ on the Street in Alberta, and the Day of the Honey Bee film festival that took place at the Roxy Theatre in Saskatoon.
The day of the honeybee can be used by agencies such as the Canadian Honey Council to create needed funding for colony collapse disorder research. If given official federal endorsement, this day has limitless potential. Just imagine what could come of this day. Imagine the opportunity for food banks to generate food for the needy.
No, committee members, I am not an expert on honeybees, but what I do know has me fearing a future without them. That is why I ask this committee to call upon the federal government to follow suit with a quarter of the Canadian population and join that unprecedented chorus of voices that are in support of creating a new national day of the honeybee in Canada this May 29.
Thank you.