Let me give you one example.
You heard Mr. Sobkowich, for instance, say that we should have liquidated damage to pay for the ship demurrage. Well, if the grain elevator company ordered too many ships, more ships than they are able to unload, who should pay the liquidated damage?
Finding out the true capacity is not an exact science. It requires a lot of collaboration. When you have rhetoric, finger pointing, piling on the railroads, you get quotas and you get regulation.
At the moment, only one party is being subjected to this trial, and the reality is that it's a team sport. The railroads are not very far from the capacity that the grain elevators are able to handle. We were far from it in the winter; make no mistake. As I've said, for CN it's been about 10,000 cars, or one million tonnes, less than what a normal winter would be. But we were close to the maximum capacity of the grain elevators in the fall, and we are close to it now; you watch.