I think I can attempt to answer. Something we haven't talked about today is: what do we mean by biotechnology anyway?
If I can backtrack, the products that we've been talking about, the insect-resistant corn, herbicide-tolerant soya beans, and so on, those were all developed in the 1980s, early 1990s, and came to the marketplace sort of in the late 1990s and so on. The additional varieties or new traits that have come along have been sort of similar, or they've been repackaged, combined, and so on to create new varieties. Those types of technologies are getting a little old now. They're like 20 years old. They're almost antiques in a way, relatively speaking.
Again, as I mentioned, we don't have the details, our members don't tell us the specifics, and there's a reading of the tea leaves so to speak around this, but coming down the pipeline there's going to be a whole slew of new genetic enhancement-type techniques coming along that I would predict within five or 10 years' time will translate into additional new products, new innovations in varieties, and so on.
My point in raising this in the context of CETA is that the European Union regulatory system is anticipating these new products as well. The regulators are asking themselves if they are GM or not, how do they fall within the respective legislation in the EU, and similar conversations are happening here in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada, as I understand it.
So the really important thing about this agreement and the element around biotech is that it allows the regulators under this banner of CETA to have a healthy conversation around how our respective regulatory systems are going to handle these products down the road. That doesn't mean to say that the European countries dictate to Canada how we regulate them, nor vice versa, but it provides a venue for a good conversation for scientists in the regulatory regimes to have those discussions. So I'd be—