Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Once again, I will make the same appeal as my colleague did regarding this motion. I am going to ask my colleague to withdraw this amendment for a very simple reason: it is the role of the committee to ask the ministers to appear. Why not simply ask the ministers to appear before us? It's simple, it is easy.
Once again, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food herself will be quite shocked to see that she is not being allowed to come to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food to discuss this first and very serious agricultural crisis since her appointment. Let's give her an opportunity to come and speak to the standing committee on a file that concerns agriculture.
In addition, this amendment does not mention the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is responsible... I don't know how to say it.
In short, I'm asking my colleague to withdraw this amendment, and we will keep to the original motion so that we can ask the ministers to appear. If the ministers do not want to come, they will have to bear the consequences of their decision to not appear before the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.
This is a clear message the committee is sending to producers and farmers. We want to hear the ministers give us their version of history and tell us what is going on. We want the ministers to reassure the producers here or, at the very least, to come to discuss an agricultural file at the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food. In what way can the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food have an adverse effect on a case by asking the ministers to appear? If we refuse to have ministers appear before the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, this would be a first.
Once again, I am asking my colleague to withdraw this amendment and to keep to the original motion and allow the three ministers to make the decision themselves; they will accept the political consequences of their decision. Why is the committee again playing the government's role by deciding who is to appear before it instead of letting the ministers decide? It is our role. We are independent and we want to hear the ministers. I am sure that all of my colleagues want to know what the ministers have to say on these files. Let's let things unfold as they should.