As you know, I was following this issue closely with the Parliamentary Secretary before I took office.
The $3.9 billion announced in the budget includes $1.5 million for an insurance program should the value of quotas go down. In addition, there is $2.4 billion in compensation for supply-managed producers, dairy farmers, but also poultry and egg producers. Of that amount, $250 million has already gone to support investment projects for dairy farmers. Now I really need to analyze and move ahead with the allocation of the remaining $2.15 billion in compensation to all dairy, poultry and egg producers. If all goes well, that should be done within the next two months; that's truly my goal.
Our commitment to processors remains strong, but we were not in a position to include an amount in the budget when it was announced because discussions still needed to be held with processors.
I heard the message of dairy farmers loud and clear: they are asking for direct and fair compensation, meaning in proportion to their quotas. Their message is really crystal clear to me.
Since then, I have had some discussions with Pierre Lampron, the president of the Dairy Farmers of Canada, and also with Mathieu Frigon, the president of the Dairy Processors Association of Canada. It is important for me to really understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various options available.
The next steps will be to meet with cabinet to agree on the best option and then appear before the Treasury Board to implement the financial mechanisms that will enable me to distribute the compensation.