This issue is of great interest to me. I launched Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy, so I was already on that path. I am surprised to be the first woman in Canada to hold the position of Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. We all know how involved women are on family farms, but we find that they are poorly represented at the decision-making tables.
The first example I can give you is the working group for dairy. There was a working group on compensation, and there is now a working group on the outlook for the various supply-managed industries. I had the opportunity to participate in the first meeting with representatives from the dairy sector. I'm sort of challenging producers by asking them to ensure that, as they define the vision for the dairy sector, women and young people are fully heard. We are also working for them, for the young people.
When I travel, I try to hold round tables with women in agriculture. They are often mothers, wives or daughters of dairy farmers who become farm owners. These young women's message is clearly the same as that of women in politics: family is a major issue and they think twice before taking on responsibilities far from home. Culture is also a major issue.
As a woman minister, I believe that one of my roles is to push our partners to find ways to have greater representation of women and young people at the decision-making tables.