I think I'll go back to the equivalency arrangements we have with 90% of our trading partners on the organic marketplace. There has been a positive move. We've formed a technical advisory committee that will consist of industry informing the CFIA with regard to equivalency agreements before they are finalized so that you can get formal industry feedback.
In the past we've kind of moved ahead with things and then have found out that there have been ramifications so that where we thought we had improved a deal, we had actually created a bigger problem. Now we have to go back to the drawing table, and all of that takes time, money, and energy away from all of our efforts. I think that's a positive move, as long as we can work in consistency and understanding timelines, but it's a positive move.
As well, our sector consists of 5,000 certified operators but we have three national associations. COTA is the only one that works on equivalency agreements. It makes it quite challenging when we're a small organization but we are covering multiple sectors, multiple markets, etc. The more that we—