You covered a lot of topics there, so I'll do what I can to jump in and say something.
Organic agriculture contributes to food security by ensuring that the land the food is grown on can grow food for generations to come. The practices that are used in organic agriculture are about building soil fertility and resilience, especially in the face of climatic extremes. There is research to show that organic systems are more resilient in the face of extreme weather events. There are a number of very unique stories of how organic producers have found ways to make their products more available to the everyday consumer.
Direct marketing is one way to do that. It's one of the ways to bring down the cost and it's also a way to bring together consumers and farmers. There's an amazing book called The New Farm, which is about an organic farm just outside of Toronto that has partnered with The Stop, which is a community food centre. It's a model for all food banks across Canada. They have been regularly supplying them with organic produce.
Part of the movement of organic agriculture in Canada is about bringing the consumer closer to the farmer and building relationships. There are a number of models out there. We can send you some more information on some of the examples from the organic industry about the ways to strengthen food security and to make sure that organic products are available to all Canadians.
Again, as we said, it comes to scarcity. If a product is scarce, it will inevitably be more expensive.