It's a big question, so I'll do my best.
I think, writ large, the concern we have is that you have policies, like those outlined in the budget, about increasing agriculture and agrifood exports that would come from, say, the second-largest net exporter, but then you have a similar policy that makes it more difficult to do business in Canada. It's not a concern government to government, but overall, when we have so many consultations going on, what we've seen is that departments still act in silos. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is going in this direction, implementing some really great things, then perhaps Finance Canada is going in a different direction that may hurt some of what's happening. I think it's a concern across our membership, for sure.
Specifically about access to crop protection products, neonics or others, that's a huge concern, because these are still.... An example of one that is not a neonic is called Thiram. It's the most registered fungicide in the world. If my horticulture colleagues were here they would go into greater detail, but it's the most widely registered fungicide in the air. The PMRA is currently proposing to cancel its registration for all uses. If you want to increase us as an exporter, for us to get agriculture products into Mexico they have to be treated with Thiram. Again, we're going in two different directions. Without getting into too many specifics, the concern is that we want to move in one direction here, but then a new policy is limiting our ability to do that.
A lot of our members would be impacted by the proposed tax changes. We haven't had a chance to consult our members yet, but we're hearing from the grain growers and those who have been very vocal about it, so there's definitely concern about that. They ask, “How can I continue to innovate when I don't have access to crop protection products? The cost of my business is going up.” Then we get into this food policy that's about producing more affordable food, but we're making it more difficult for producers to do that.
Again, it's about a misalignment. Maybe we're not all talking to each other.