I would like to add some information.
In Quebec, for example, the food industry is the largest contributor to Moisson Montréal, Moisson Québec and other Moisson organizations, as well as La Tablée des Chefs. These organizations collect food scraps or offer classes to teach people how to cook them. There are also programs such as the Club des petits déjeuners, a program that was created in Quebec.
There are gaps in large urban centres. Some neighbourhoods have no grocery stores where you can buy fruits and vegetables, among other things. For example, there are parts of Montreal where, aside from at convenience stores, citizens don't have access to fresh food.
Remote areas also suffer from this lack of access. However, the problem is mainly related to the transport of fresh products, of course.
As for cities, there are more and more urban agricultural programs. It is an increasingly important movement. Having said that, you have to make sure there are enough product distributors, so that residents in each neighbourhood can have access to fresh produce.
With respect to remote areas, this is a problem that needs to be addressed in collaboration with the departments involved. Food is actually available, but transportation is difficult. That is another issue, but certainly we need to look at it.