Thank you for the opportunity to appear today to provide the Canadian canola growers' perspective on a food policy for Canada. As recognized by this committee, the policy has the power to shape the future of food in Canada.
My name is Jack Froese. I am the president of the Canadian Canola Growers Association. I farm 5,800 acres of grains, oilseeds, and special crops with my family near Winkler, Manitoba. The CCGA represents 43,000 canola growers from Ontario to British Columbia, and our mission is to help farmers succeed.
Budget 2017 recognized the potential growth of the agriculture and agrifood sector, setting an ambitious target of increasing agrifood exports from $55 billion to $75 billion by 2025. The canola sector has set equally ambitious goals of growing production from 18 million to 26 million metric tonnes of canola and 52 bushels per acre by the same year.
Canola farmers are up to the challenge and want to be part of this growth by increasing production and exports, and increasing our contribution to the Canadian economy. A food policy can create a formal platform to help us achieve this by providing consistent messages across governments and stakeholders. Farmers already produce high-quality, safe, and sustainable food, and with a competitive environment and the right tools, are well-positioned to further grow Canadian production for both our domestic and international markets.
To achieve this growth, it is critical the policy be built on a solid foundation that recognizes the value and importance of agriculture production and our export markets. The CCGA has three overarching recommendations as the government moves forward with the policy's development.
First, develop a strong set of guiding principles. These should centre on inclusiveness, evidence-based decision-making, and the adoption of a whole-of-government approach.
Farmers are the driving force behind food production in Canada. It is critical that farmers and farmer organizations be actively involved to get buy-in to the outcomes. An appropriate governance structure, such as a national food policy council, could be a mechanism to include a diversity of views in the development, refinement, and implementation of the policy. However, farmers and farmer organizations must be well represented, as the policy can and will directly impact their livelihoods.
It is also critical that the food policy be built using the best available evidence and scientific data. Science-based decision-making is the backbone of the agriculture sector and is the foundation for future innovation and growth. It drives farmers' production and marketing decisions, ensures access to innovative new production tools, fuels investment in our sector, and helps maintain global access.
A key strength of a policy is the opportunity to drive a more coordinated whole-of-government approach to food in Canada. Any new activity must build on existing initiatives, and not duplicate efforts or create burdensome new requirements on the agriculture sector. There are numerous ongoing initiatives—federal, provincial, and private—aimed at enhancing agriculture's competitiveness, strengthening Canada's food safety framework, improving the health of Canadians, ensuring sustainable production practices, and safeguarding the health of plants and animals.
At the same time, a whole-of-government approach can help prevent a patchwork of initiatives and mixed messaging. Ambitious export targets and free trade agreements must be coupled with the resources needed to address market access problems as they arise. Desires to increase food literacy must be coupled with plans and targets. Government proposals from one department should not impede the goals of another by eroding the competitiveness of the sector or create unnecessary uncertainty. A whole-of-government approach will also ensure that one stakeholder group is not harmed at the expense of the other.
Second, select appropriate baselines when determining policy goals and activities. This is particularly true when it comes to conserving our soil, water, and air thematic area. Advances in plant breeding, and in how farmers grow canola have softened farmers' environmental footprint, and have helped canola farmers become world leaders in sustainability.
A good example is the widespread adoption of zero or minimal till farming, which keeps carbon in the ground and promotes healthy soils. In 1991, only 7% of western Canada was seeded with no till practices. Today, this number has grown to 65%, allowing Canadian farmers to sequester millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases in their fields every year.
Beyond the benefits of sequestering GHGs, it is important to understand that this change in practice has also resulted in improved soil health, which means the soil can now support a healthier crop, and possibly more importantly for farmers, leaving our soils in better condition for the next generation.
While there is always room for improvement, current environmental practices must be recognized when determining targets and actions. I am personally vested in working to continually improve my farming practices, not simply for now, but to ensure that the farm and its land are in even better shape when I pass them on to my children, or some other generation.
Third, we need to boost Canadians' food literacy and public trust. Increasing Canadians' knowledge of how food is produced, how our world-class regulatory system ensures a safe food supply, and what constitutes healthy food choices crosscuts and underpins the four established thematic areas. We recognize that the vast majority of Canadians no longer have a tie to the farm and there is a growing disconnect between farmers and consumers. Food literacy will be key to help consumers make more nutritious food choices and be more aware of modern agricultural practices. We need to build understanding between consumers and farmers.
As a farmer, I want Canadians to be as proud of the food they consume as I am of the food I produce. Without an increase in food literacy, the policy will continue to struggle moving forward in achieving its desired outcomes.
In conclusion, a food policy can help provide a coordinated and strategic approach that can benefit all Canadians. We recognize, though, that there is a very diverse group of stakeholders and views to be considered in the development of the policy, and we are ready to work together with all stakeholders in identifying and working towards our common goals.
Thank you.