Thank you, and thanks to all of the witnesses for your excellent testimony.
I'd like to begin by taking this back and trying to place this whole issue into some sort of context from an economic perspective.
A number of you indicated that as grain producers, you are price takers and that we generally operate in an integrated market. When this issue first came out, the federal estimates were between $210 and $819 per farm. We later learned that was based on the denominator's being all census farms, as opposed to commercial farms, and then we heard estimates more in the $10,000 to $14,000 range coming from the Federation of Independent Business.
I'm going to begin directing my comments to the Grain Growers. Can you talk about the discrepancy between these estimates? In the absence of the passage of this bill, would you expect the Canadian basis, which is a function of pricing in our integrated market, to compensate producers for this additional cost as they incur the carbon tax?
I'll start with the grain producers, please.