One of the biggest things that could benefit us right now is increasing the cap. Across food and beverage manufacturing—unlike primary agriculture—your workforce cannot be more than 10% temporary foreign workers. Just increasing that cap by any amount would be helpful. We are suggesting 30%. Ideally, in a perfect world, during a crisis we wouldn't have any cap at all but we have suggested 30% might be something that could be tolerated by the federal government.
We're also suggesting that the federal government move for a defined period of time to a two-year LMIA, rather than a one-year LMIA, which would help to reduce paperwork on the part of companies, but also—and I think very importantly we've all realized—help reduce processing times and processing work for the government itself.
I think those two measures in and of themselves would be quite beneficial.
Another thing is really important. Somebody asked me once why we want to use temporary foreign workers. Except for seasonal jobs, we don't want to use temporary foreign workers. We want to welcome people into Canada to become permanent residents and do these jobs permanently and become parts of our community and our workplace family. We have to have, attached to any program we put in place, really clear and workable pathways to residency for any of these workers who come in.