If Bill C-11 goes through unamended, we're actually inviting this as an exception.
It will confuse. It already is confusing, as I mentioned to folks, today.
When you think of the CCH ruling, the Copyright Board and the Federal Court of Appeal have both said that what's happening with multiple classroom copies is not fair, and that is now going to the Supreme Court. That's eight years of litigation.
One might say, well, what is eight years of litigation? Well, in the digital age and with the amount of investment we make, that's a lifetime. That's a lot of curriculum that may not be supported. That's a lot of investment dollars. That's a lot of authors not sure whether they should do the actual work.
Even since CCH, we still have the Federal Court of Appeal ruling on what is fair. It's still out there, notwithstanding CCH. We don't know where that's going to go. If you include fair dealing for education as an exception, to me that's an invitation, and it will clarify in the minds of tens of thousands of school teachers, who will say, “I guess it's okay now.”
Again, we already have—