Thank you very much.
Thank you. This is a fascinating discussion. I would say that we've had two excellent weeks in the world of art. We saved those Riopelles in Montreal. That would have been a disaster for our country, so thank God for the Montreal fire department.
Second, in contradiction to Monsieur Bédard, I think the Google Art Project is one of the most exciting initiatives I've ever heard of, up there with Google Books, which has taken books that were out of print and has given us access. People from around the world are going to be looking at these digital museums and wanting to go there and find out more. So I think the potential is enormous, and we should be encouraging the ability of people in every small community in this country and around the world to see art, because they're going to want to go see it in person.
The question we're talking about here, it seems to me, is very much a technical dispute between dealers and the artists, and we're being asked to sort of come to some understanding of what is fair ground. The issue of fair ground is important.
What are the commissions that are generally put on the sale of an artist's work?