I very much enjoyed the presentation made by my colleague Gilles Valiquette, as well as the one from the SAC, both of which clearly demonstrate that people working in the music industry are all small entrepreneurs, both artists and production companies. We are all small entrepreneurs.
As I said in my presentation that I was unable to complete, we cannot understand, in that case, why small cultural entrepreneurs are not receiving the same attention as in other cases where the fate of small entrepreneurs is at stake. We ask that committee members bear that in mind as they consider amendments to the bill. These are the most important amendments, as I see it, because they take away acquired rights. I am talking about broadcast mechanical rights. Taking a right away from us that we currently have will mean a loss of $8 million or $9 million for those who… Those royalties have already been collected. And then there is the private copying regime which I think… And the example I cited earlier of France, which is currently considering imposing a royalty on iPads. Yet we are saying there will be no royalties on MP3 players. I simply cannot understand how we could be so completely out of step with everyone else. Those are certainly the most important ones--