Okay. I hope my French is excellent.
Australian stabilization with China, which is really important to understand at this moment, has now been interrupted, of course, by a really terrible recent development, and that is effectively the death sentence on an Australian citizen who is detained in China, Dr. Yang Hengjun.
The stabilization moment is one bookend, and the other bookend is the Australia-China relationship about eight years ago. Just to summarize what's happened in that intervening period, until around 2016, I think, there was a degree of overconfidence and naïveté in the Australia-China relationship and a view that our very strong economic relationship with China could be managed without a fundamental security risk. That relationship included our massive reliance on China as an export market, particularly for iron ore, and our growing relations with the PRC across a number of economic and societal dimensions, including in terms of migration and education.
The reality check that we went through from 2016 onwards, culminating in 2020 with the application of coercive economic measures against Australia by the People's Republic of China, put paid to that naïveté and brought the issue of strategic risk to the foreground in understanding the bilateral relationship.
There were a few key markers in that journey. One was the revelations about foreign political influence, interference and espionage activities by the PRC or by entities linked to the Communist Party and the United Front Work Department in 2016 and 2017 that lead to, among other things, the resignation of an Australian senator who had been implicated in a lot of this unpleasantness.
As well, there were the introduction of laws criminalizing foreign political interference in Australia, laws requiring a transparency register of agents of influence, laws limiting foreign donations to Australian political parties and laws requiring subnational governments, states and territories as well as institutions such as universities to consult with the federal government when forming formal international partnerships. There were other elements involved as well, but the foreign interference issue was a major first part of that reality check.
Another really important development was the decision by the Australian government in 2018 to ban non-trusted vendors from the 5G network, which of course was, in effect, code for Huawei and ZTE, and obviously there was great unhappiness caused to the PRC and discomfort caused to the bilateral relationship.
From a strategic perspective, more importantly, this was an example and a signal sent to many democracies around the world about the need to take a close look at who or which institutions were effectively being trusted with providing the nervous systems of their economies.
Foreign interference and critical technology—