You may want to take a look, because there has been a breakdown in that communication strategy somewhere, because the majority of organizations that have been in existence for the last five, ten, fifteen years that have clientele they answer to found out either through the media or through a letter, with absolutely no phone call or any type of discussion.
I know I'm running out of time, but you mentioned, Ms. LaRocque, that there were other options for people to explore who were originally taking part in the Trade Routes funding, which focused on exporting our product. What other programs can those individuals who were going through Trade Routes apply for now?
And secondly, with regard to Trade Routes, it's been mentioned repeatedly that there was a huge administration cost to run the program. I know my colleague asked for documents to be tabled to hopefully get answers. As my colleague Charlie Angus was saying, if we had those particular documents in front of us, then perhaps we could have some sympathy for the fact that the program was cut for those particular reasons.
So I have two questions. First, whose fault was it that there was such a high administration cost in this program? Could that not have been fixed? Second, where else do these people who have lost funding for their particular initiatives go to now within the government?