Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I have more of a statement first, to you, Mr. Caron.
First of all, it has been an outstanding presentation. I really quite enjoyed it. I agree with what you're saying. The library wouldn't function if there were no index cards at the front that told you how to get to things. I think you've taken a sound approach to digitizing things, and I do think you've also correctly pointed the committee to an area where we might be concerned—that is, on preservation, not just putting things online but adequate preservation. So I want to thank you for that. I really think you're on the right track, and I just want to make that clear and thank you for your presentation.
Ms. Parker and Ms. Ashton, I want to pick up on where Charlie was a minute ago. I am somewhat concerned by some of the statements, because I'm always afraid that you're looking backward as opposed to forward. This study is very much about looking forward and saying, how do we leverage all these tools, this emerging platform, to really elevate Canadian artists, writers, and producers? How do we take advantage of these platforms?
I really think Charlie is bang on. It may be amateurish, some of the stuff on YouTube, but people love it, and they love it more than some of the professional shows that we're producing. They're really into it.
I'd also argue that there are more big hits being produced from things that might be seen as amateurish than there are coming from the conventional formats lately.
I remember, for example, when American Idol started up, the conventional music industry was saying “It's awful. Look at this platform. It's a joke.” But that platform has spun out stars such as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. Big stars have come out of American Idol. These were amateurs. These were people who, before that, were bussing tables and stuff, but they had skills. Maybe they would have never been discovered if there wasn't an opportunity for them to put themselves out there. YouTube is that opportunity. It's the opportunity for everybody to broadcast themselves.
But I think you're adequately putting a case forward, which is, how do we monetize these things? How do we make sure there is value coming back to the writers?
That's something that this committee needs to get its head around. I think it's something that the Writers Guild needs to get its head around as well, and frankly, the ISPs and everybody else, the actual producers of content. They all need to figure out this new emerging platform.
I think things are happening. They're happening very quickly. I'm just concerned that you might be looking backward a little bit.
Can you address that?