Currently, broadcasters have in the overall requirements with regard to the Canadian programming that they license, the 30% number. Within that 30%, a portion is targeted to programs of national interest, in other words, programs that are high risk. Dramatic series, feature documentaries, feature films are examples.
The 5% is a subset of the 30%. Of the 30% in the overall that they need to spend on Canadian programming, they need to spend 5%, so the other 25% they can spend on Canadian content as they see fit. The 5% is targeted to these high-profile projects.
Our contention is that feature films and feature docs are within the category of 5%, but in fact, when we look at the numbers, there is not much money actually being spent to license them. Our suggestion, not to want to rob Peter to pay Paul, is that broadcasters be encouraged to continue spending money where they are now on dramatic series, for example, and that the obligation within the 30% be increased by at least 1% and that 1% be targeted at feature films, so that we arrive at actual spending on feature film licensing to help.
The theme here is to have a more integrated system where we move away from a silo where feature film exists only in theatrical experience to one where it's integrated both for online services and broadcasts. This is a way of integrating broadcasters into the financing and licensing of features.
I hope that I've answered the question.