Thank you.
Thank you for the tremendous amount of work you've put into this report. A lot of people in my community have stopped me to raise it and to talk about how much they appreciate the voice given within all of this.
Two key issues get raised. One is the distinction between the service industry and our domestic industry, and ensuring that Canadian creators are included in the productions made in our country. The other is having payments being made into the system either through levies, as you talk about, or through spending requirements, so those productions can be made.
I want to talk about your recommendation 67, which talks about creative positions and says that where media creation undertakings include new Canadian dramas and long-form documentaries in their offerings that count toward their regulatory obligations, the CRTC should expect that a reasonable percentage of all key creative positions on those programs be occupied by Canadians. There are a whole bunch of qualifying terms. I was wondering if you could expand on it. When you talk about all creative positions, and also the reasonable percentage of those programs, what are you talking about?