Thank you, everybody. That draws us to a conclusion. I apologize. We went a little bit over time.
We have to deal with one other thing, for budgetary reasons.
Before we do that, I want to say a huge thank you to our guests who came here today: from the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists, David Sparrow, Marie Kelly and Raj Shoan; from BCE, Jonathan Daniels and Alain Strati; from the Canadian Communication Systems Alliance, Jay Thomson; from the Fédération nationale des communications et de la culture, Pascale St-Onge and Julien Laflamme; from Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, Daniel Bernhard; and, finally, from Unifor, Howard Law and Katha Fortier. Please give our best to Mr. Dias.
Thank you so much, everybody, for joining us.
Before we adjourn, we have a bit of work to do. As you know, in relation to the study “Relations Between Facebook and the Federal Government”, there is a budget of $1,500 we need to pass for the equipment that is needed in order to do that meeting.
Do I see approval of this budget for that particular study? Seeing no dissension, it's approved.
Thank you very much, everyone. We will see you on Friday, the 26th.
The meeting is adjourned.