The reason we've suggested an amendment, as opposed to a repeal of this section, is that it obviously needs to be modified if it's to recognize and take into account the reality that foreign streamers are part of the system. To repeal it outright is a very dangerous thing to do, we think. We've proposed the same amendment, by the way, as Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, so maybe we're both onto something here.
The explanation given by Mr. Ripley and the minister in their previous appearances in front of the committee was that, because we have a cabinet directive from 1997 that establishes Canadian ownership, we can repeal this section. Respectfully, we disagree, and we're alarmed that it might happen. The reason for this is that the directive from 1997 was passed to parse out what Canadian ownership meant in terms of the percentage of control of public companies, whether it was a two-thirds ownership requirement or a four-fifths ownership requirement. The deep concern we have is that not only could a future government have a change of mind and repeal the cabinet directive, but in a court proceeding it's quite possible that a litigant would challenge Canadian ownership on the basis that there is no enabling section in the act to authorize it in the first place and that the cabinet directive is, frankly, invalid or unenforceable.
I think everybody is on the same page in terms of what they want for Canadian ownership. We just have to make sure that we don't accidentally repeal the governing provision in the act.