We do. In fact, we have actually used technology as a way to communicate, as many other organizations are doing. We created the ParticipACTION app. Through the app we are delivering supports and practical strategies on what Canadians can do to be physically active.
We just finished off a month-long challenge called the “Great Big Move” where we encouraged Canadians to get into groups virtually to be physically active and accumulate their physical activity. By doing so you could unlock certain milestones that exposed you to the various aspects of Canada, celebrating all of what Canada has to offer from a physical activity perspective.
We are looking at innovative ways of using technology to be able to get people into groups. That's one of the key things that has been missing. People are now isolated and physical activity is very much something that, if you're doing it with someone else or in a group, you're a lot more accountable. We have kind of lost that. We lost that at the local gym. We're not going to that with our friends anymore, so we're creating ways to engage virtual groups through physical activity in fun ways.
Our two recommendations include a national public education campaign because we still need to be reminded. Yes, some of us are trying to buy exercise bikes, but the vast majority of Canadians just don't have physical activity on their radar. They don't see the opportunity to use physical activity as a way to cope with some of the stresses they are encountering. We need to continue to communicate, to engage and educate, and provide practical strategies to help Canadians and their families to be more physically active.
The second recommendation is to creatively look at a national unity opportunity. Hopefully, by June 2021, we will be in a position to do that, where we're engaging communities to support individuals in being physically active.
We want Canadians to want to be physically active, to understand the benefits and then we want communities to be able to support those activities as well.