Thank you, Madam Chair.
I think you're spot-on. That absolutely is what's happening. Children are being bullied. They're being prevented from living their true and authentic self. As a result, they're developing mental health problems. It's incredibly stressful to be told that what you are is hateful. To be a young person without an ability to deal with that.... It makes total sense that kids end up trying to take their own life and are in fact dying by suicide as a result of this hateful rhetoric.
What can we do to support them? I think kids need increased counselling. They need access to gender-affirming care. They need to be able to socially transition from a young age. There's no harm in it. Let's say a youth decides they're transgender. They're living in a gender they weren't assigned to at birth. Later down the line, they take some puberty blockers, or they don't medically transition but socially transition. A few years later, if they decide that's not actually how they feel, there was no actual harm done.
If we just accept that gender can exist in a fluid continuum, and we don't try to stick people in rigid boxes, I think you'll have a lot less fear and trauma and the negative consequences that we're seeing as a result.