Even just in recent discussion, just to clarify some misconceptions, we need to understand that the platforms right now already operate on recommending content that audiences are looking for. YouTube does not, as an example, give us views. YouTube does not give any content creator views. As your channel grows—and that can take years, admittedly—you gain subscribers and you naturally have a larger audience base for your videos to be presented to. Even at that point, even for us, not every song we release is a hit. Sometimes it can take three years for a song to resonate.
Our views are not shuttered or stuffed in front of audiences' faces. People literally will look for our content or are watching content that is similar to ours. I honestly feel Monsieur Payette's pain points, but the beauty of digital content is that it is a niche audience base because it has global reach, as opposed to broadcasting, which is geographically niched but requires a broader audience.
Can content potentially be too niched to find an audience? That's possible, but there are so many other ways to grow content, whether it's through investment or infrastructure systems, like YouTube's Black voices fund in the U.S., or working with French language music content creators. There are so many other ways to bolster content and promote it. These platforms really do want more than one content creator to be successful. I think it's important that we understand that as we move forward.
This bill would affect us in a couple of different ways. Could it impact our global reach? Could it impact our regional reach? I am far more concerned about the content creators who are working today. AmandaMuse is a fantastic example. Over COVID, she single-handedly was the sole income earner for her household, because her husband, who is a pilot, lost his job. Are there millions of views? No, but they are still an impactful, important part of this culture.
I think there is far more we can be doing than artificially manipulating algorithms, which is directly affecting content creators.