I believe that only professionally qualified news outlets should be eligible. I'm talking about a professional newsroom with a journalist that meets the criteria for journalistic ethics. I personally wouldn't even consider the submission of a company that only produces radio shows, for example.
There are a lot of small regional media outlets, print media in particular with a single permanent journalist, that should indeed get public recognition when their work is amplified by a sharing platform like Facebook or Google. It is therefore crucial, for the multiplicity and diversity of voices, to take these small media outlets into consideration. We can't allow ourselves to believe that a handful of agreements signed with large national media companies would cover all of the possibilities that are out there.
Everyone's been affected by the fact that digital platforms are keeping a large portion of ad revenues to themselves. The small outlets weren't able to keep up because they had no other way to redeploy themselves, whether online or otherwise. It is crucial that we protect those that are left.
In Quebec, the Coopérative nationale de l'information indépendante, that bought out six major regional newspapers, released some numbers regarding Facebook. The organization noted a 22% to 23% drop in online referrals from Facebook over the last year. Indeed, we're seeing that Facebook is increasingly closing itself off, preferring to promote self-contained pieces of content without any external links, which prevents readers from having to leave the Facebook environment to read the content. Our analysis shows that that's what caused the drop in online traffic observed by the co-op's news outlets.
Let's not forget that La Presse, just like all of the co-op's newspapers, is only compensated when users are redirected to the content on the newspaper's website when they click on a link appearing on the Facebook product. Without such a link, the newspaper isn't compensated and experiences a loss of revenue, and increasingly, Facebook omits these links in its publications. I hope I've been clear.