Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I hope I will have the opportunity to convince my dear friend Mr. Julian that this is not the best-advised amendment. I think it comes from a very good place, in the same way that I think CPC-12.1 came from a good place. I was actually more inclined to support CPC-12.1 than I am to support this one. I think both, in a certain way, would have caused problems with respect to the regime, but this would cause many, many more problems.
We have to look at this holistically. What is the definition of “eligible”? In relation to a news business, “eligible” means that the business is designated under subclause 27(1). A “news business” means an individual or entity that operates a news outlet.
Let me just move to subclause 27(1), Mr. Chair, which states:
At the request of a news business, the Commission must, by order, designate the business as eligible if
Then it comes out with various criteria.
If we pass amendment NDP‑4, it's tantamount to saying that all businesses must enter into agreements with platforms. However, for whatever reason, a business might be reluctant to do that. A business might decide not to negotiate an agreement. Businesses could object to doing it, but use subsection 27(1) to be recognized as eligible, then say they won't bargain.
A business owner acting in bad faith could take advantage of all this and asked that their business be recognized as eligible, but then block everyone from entering into agreements or from being recognized because they won't bargain in good faith.
I don't believe we can pass amendment NDP‑4 if we don't substantially amend the act to ask or require that everyone bargain in good faith, and that no business may ask to be recognized under subsection 27(1) unless they intend to enter into agreements that currently do not exist.
Legally or judicially speaking, I'm not even sure we can say there will be businesses recognized in the
tax act or the Canada Revenue Agency Act as a non-profit or journalistic body that would not fall there. Then you would be saying that they would have to also get an agreement, even though they never voiced their intention to get an agreement.
The word “all” scares me a lot. I don't know how that could be modified or whatever, but I think it would require many other modifications to make it work with the regime in the form that it is now, because we certainly don't want one bad actor to block the desire of the platform from reaching agreements with everybody at the DNI and have everybody negotiating in good faith. If they come to terms with 90%, well, they should be recognized, I think, because it probably means that the other 10% weren't negotiating on fair terms or in good faith, so that scares me.
I understand the desire to have all small businesses captured and taken care of, but I don't think that saying “all” is the way to go.
I'm hoping that perhaps I convinced my friend Mr. Julian.