Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
The paragraph we propose to add is:
19.1 Any provision in a covered agreement respecting payments to be made by a digital news intermediary to a news business must be based solely on the editorial expenditures of the business.
This proposal comes from Canada's independent online news publishers, which include new media, metropolitan media and several publications from across Canada.
The independent online news publishers of Canada have made this suggestion in terms of improving the fairness around the formula. I think we've succeeded as a committee, Madam Chair, in adding transparency to Bill C-18 and closing a lot of the loopholes.
The fair-funding aspect is extremely important to the independent online news publishers of Canada right across the country. I wanted to shout out to the Burnaby Beacon and the New West Anchor, two of those online publications that do very good work in our community.
The essence of the amendment is to focus on editorial expenditures, on journalists. The payments should really be made in terms of setting staff time and freelance contract labour in journalism. That is why they made the suggestion to put in place a level playing field.
In terms of the appropriate number of editorial expenditures to be covered, we saw in the Australian example that we're talking about 30% to 35% of editorial expenditures. In other words, what this amendment would do is put in place a fair-funding formula based on editorial expenditures, something that is alluded to in the bill but isn't as clear as this amendment would make it.
With thanks to the independent online news publishers of Canada, I move NDP-11, an amendment that would ensure that payments are based solely on editorial expenditures, on the actual provision for journalism in the business.
Thank you.