No, you can't. Just give me 30 seconds, if you don't mind.
Because we are limited to time, let me say this before we do in fact adjourn for the day. Next Tuesday, October 31—let me read this into the record, if you don't mind—we will hear from Jean-François Bélisle on his appointment as director of the National Gallery of Canada and continue reviewing the safe sport report, which is to be confirmed based on the outcome of the meetings to date.
I wanted to say that prior to the end of the meeting. It's up to the chair, when she comes back next week...but that was on our schedule for next Tuesday and I wanted everyone around the table to expect that.
Today we thought we were going to get the chair of the CRTC, and then we didn't get her for some reason. For Tuesday, we are expecting to hear from Jean-François for one hour in committee.
Mrs. Thomas, we're back to you. The time is running out.