Any man with a purple tie gets my vote of confidence, so yes, Glen, absolutely understood. Thank you for your generosity.
I will try to be very brief, Madam Chair. Hopefully, the document has been distributed to all members at this point. The routine motion, just paragraphs 1 and 2, which is what I will speak to, calls for some basic additions.
The first paragraph says, “That each two-hour meeting in which witnesses are called be limited to one witness panel of up to four to five witnesses, so as to allow the opportunity for a fulsome or comprehensive question period.”
This is to avoid the situation in which we have such a distribution of the questioning, etc., among the various senators and members.... It's so that we have time to probe the issues and give them the consideration they deserve with each set of witnesses. Trying to jam in multiple sets of witnesses within a two-hour window is probably unlikely to be efficient.
The second paragraph, Madam Chair, says this: “That the clerk and analysts be instructed to compose balanced witness panels whenever possible, such that each witness appearing on a panel must have been requested by a different party or senator, save and except for situations where all members agree that a particular witness or witnesses should appear.”
Speaking to the latter part of paragraph 2, there's going to be, I think, very little contention that ministers and entities like the RCMP and law endorsement should be coming. That's one where I presume we will find a strong consensus; in other situations, it will be less so. Again, this is meant to be a direction but not a firm obligation on the part of the clerks and analysts. The words “whenever possible” are injected there to try to provide some balance to the types of panels we are hearing, so that we're not getting all of one side of a particular story or particular vantage point in any given meeting.
Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I will end it there.