If that's okay with you, I don't see a problem with it.
You are indicating that it's okay with you.
Therefore, we will spend an hour and a half with the first panel of witnesses, as planned.
Mr. Clerk, please notify Mr. Sloly of the situation so that he doesn't needlessly wait for us and to let him know that we will call him back.
Thank you.
I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 11 of the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of Emergency, which was created pursuant to the order of the House on March 2, 2022, and the Senate on March 3, 2022.
Today's meeting is taking place and a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of November 25, 2021.
I'd like to remind all those present in the room to follow the recommendations from public health authorities, as well as directives of the Board of Internal Economy to maintain health and safety.
Should any technical challenges arise, please advise me, as we may need to suspend for a few minutes to ensure all members are able to participate fully.
I also remind witnesses that an interpretation service is available to them.
To access it, please click on the globe icon at the bottom of your screen.
We now welcome our first witnesses. The commissioner, deputy commissioner and chief superintendent of the Ontario Provincial Police will appear during the first half of the meeting. That will be all, in accordance with the decision we just made.
I would therefore like to welcome the commissioner, deputy commissioner and chief superintendent of the Ontario Provincial Police.
You will have five minutes for your opening remarks.
Commissioner Thomas Carrique, you have five minutes.