Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank both professors for their attendance today.
Dr. West, the Prime Minister promised Canadians, when he formed government, that he would run an open and transparent government. He agreed to co-operate fully with Justice Rouleau when asked to testify, yet he and his cabinet have hidden behind the principle of solicitor-client privilege in not releasing the legal advice he received.
A “just trust us” argument is unacceptable to Canadians. Without the benefit of that opinion, you opined in a legal article—which was co-authored by yourself, Michael Nesbitt and Jake Norris—in the Criminal Law Quarterly that:
to have properly justified the declaration of a public order emergency, the government needed to base its invocation on three novel, unconventional, and previously unanticipated ways of interpreting this legal threshold
Can you opine on that? My secondary question to that is with regard to how this article was written before all of the evidence was heard. Does your opinion still stand? If not, how does it differ?