Thank you.
I've said it before at committee, but I think it bears repeating. I think there are two things that distinguish the issue of the Line 5 pipeline from other pipeline debates we've had recently in Canada, whether it's about the TMX pipeline or the Keystone XL pipeline.
The first is that Line 5 actually supports value-added work in the oil and gas sector in Canada by having refining done in Canada, as opposed to elsewhere, and then either imported back into Canada or sold on the international market as a finished product from outside Canada.
The second is that it represents existing production. Line 5 isn't about taking more barrels of oil out of the ground in a day than we currently do. It's not a model predicated upon expansion of our daily production; it's a model that represents what Canada is already doing.
From a climate point of view, the New Democrats are certainly of the view that we can't continue to expand our daily production and meet the kinds of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that we have under the Paris accord in order to keep global warming effects to 1.5° C.
The Line 5 debate is different in that regard, and of course we heard some ministers today talk about some of those pipelines that are based on an expansionary model, whether it's Keystone XL or the TMX pipeline. We've also heard the argument that somehow those pipelines would then help Canadians in eastern Canada to not have to import oil from elsewhere.
It seems to me there's always a bit of a tension in this argument. TMX is a pipeline designed to get product to tidewater in order to sell on the international market. We hear proponents of TMX talk about how that's going to result in higher prices for Canadian oil and gas on the international market. Likewise with Keystone XL, it's a pipeline designed to send more product out of the country as raw material destined for refineries in the southern United States.
I'm wondering, Minister Savage, if you could speak to what you think needs to be done. Whether it's Keystone XL or TMX, those don't seem to me to be pipelines that actually have to do with supplying Canadian oil and gas to Canadian consumers. Those are pipelines that have to do with getting a higher price and making more money in the international market, not the domestic market.
Do you want to speak a little bit to that question, and how it is exactly that Canadians might expect to have more Canadian oil and gas refined and upgraded in Canada [Technical difficulty—Editor] over the TMX pipeline?