That's a great question, and I wish I could do it justice. First, I'm going to make a minor comment in response to something I heard earlier. One of the speakers mentioned that they would double the cost of the plant and therefore double the cost for consumers. Of course, that's not true because there are costs due at distribution and transmission, so if I double the cost of the power plant, it only increases the cost to consumers by more like one-third.
On your big question, first to dodge it a bit, I work mostly on the electricity generation end of the system, so I'm more confident comparing future capture and storage of, say, wind or nuclear power. Those are the three big ones in the electricity world, and I think they're roughly comparable, with big uncertainties.
It's natural to assume that conservation would be cheaper, but the evidence for that is weak. There are plenty of analyses that do the kinds of comparisons you're asking for, but the quality of them is mixed, and the answers are all over the map, depending on who did it. It's important to be a little cautious about new energy-conserving technologies. Over the last 150 years, the introduction of new energy-conserving technologies has often increased energy demand, not decreased it.
When Watt invented the new steam engine that replaced the older Newcomen steam engine, it was three times more efficient. That increased coal demand; it didn't decrease it. The same has been true almost every step of the way. This is what the economists call feedbacks or rebound effects. The problem is if I introduce some technology that in principle might reduce energy use, such as a lighter weight car body, consumers may use it to make cars safer with the same energy consumption, or faster, or whatever.
An advantage to pushing on the production end of the energy system, whether it's through CO2 capture and storage or nuclear or wind power, or what have you, is that you actually get both, because of these costs. Let's say we passed a law that made all new coal-fired power plants have CO2 capture. There would be real costs, as we've been discussing, and those costs would inevitably be passed on to consumers. That would help to encourage conservation.
If it's really true that conservation is cheap, we'd find it out, because consumers would conserve in response to those costs. The advantage of pushing on the big end of the system, the production end, is that for certain you reduce the emissions, where you actually reduce them, and you also increase the cost, producing more efficiency improvements downstream.