Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My name is Colleen Killingsworth and I am the president of the Canadian Centre for Energy Information.
We are a non-profit, third-party energy information resource on all sources of energy across Canada. I'll just point out we are a non-advocacy group and we do rely on a rigorous stakeholder review process for all our original content.
I have a lengthy slide presentation that is put together to serve as extended background and information for you. Please don't let that intimidate you. I will only be speaking to some key highlights per slide.
As world demand for crude oil continues to grow, the oil sands deposits of northern Alberta represent one of the few reliable, long-term sources of supply. The total amount of bitumen in the ground is estimated at 1.7 trillion barrels, of which 174 billion barrels are considered recoverable reserves based on current economics and technology.
Only about 10% of Alberta bitumen resource is considered economically recoverable with current technologies, yet those reserves would be sufficient to sustain production of three million barrels per day for more than 150 years.
The next slide is a graph that shows you Canadian oil production and its projections for growth in the oil sands development and production to 2020.
The next slide shows you where Canada sits within the top five world oil reserves. The oil sands reserves are larger than the reserves of Iran, Iraq, or Russia, and are second in size only to those of Saudi Arabia.
Oil sands deposits underlie 140,800 square kilometres of Alberta, an area larger than the island of Newfoundland or the state of North Carolina. Smaller potential bitumen resources are also being evaluated in northwestern and east central Saskatchewan. Conventional heavy oil deposits in Canada are concentrated around Lloydminster on the Alberta-Saskatchewan border, but heavy oil has also been found in British Columbia, offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Arctic islands.
I won't go into discussing this slide, as it has already been covered by Mr. Stringer, but it shows you the oil sands molecule and how it is developed.
According to the National Energy Board, in 2006 production from the oil sands reached 1.1 million barrels per day, surpassing the oil production of Texas and equal to about one-tenth the output of Saudi Arabia, or 1.3% of the total world crude oil supply.
Dozens of multi-billion-dollar projects are under way to expand oil sands production. The Alberta government envisions oil sands production as high as five million barrels per day by 2030. This would be equivalent to nearly one-quarter of current North American oil consumption.
The growth of the oil sands industry has had far-reaching benefits. Nearly a quarter of a million people are directly and indirectly employed by the oil sands. Studies estimate that the oil sands activity will provide $123 billion in government revenues in Canada between the years 2000 and 2025.
About 18% of Alberta's economically recoverable oil sands bitumen reserves are close enough to the surface to make mining feasible. Most of these are located in the area north of Fort McMurray.
Mining extraction techniques were initially borrowed from other open-pit mining processes and used giant draglines, bucket wheels, and conveyor belts to excavate oil sand and transport it to processing facilities. This system was costly and difficult to maintain, especially in the harsh northern climate.
In the early 1990s substantial savings were achieved by switching to power shovels, oversized trucks, and water-slurry. The switch in technology was a key step in making the oil sands industry cost-competitive with conventional oil producers.
The next slide is a good illustration of the oil sands mining process. Once oil sands ore is mined, it is transported by truck to a slurry system called hydro-transport, where the process of separating the bitumen from the oil sands begins. The slurry is treated with hot water in an extraction plant to recover the bitumen.
Tailings, a mixture of water, clay particles, and some bitumen, is a byproduct of the extraction process. Tailings are stored in ponds, which are later reclaimed.
Once the oil sands ore has been completely mined, the site is reclaimed to a state comparable to what existed prior to the oil sands development.
I'm going to skip over the next slide, as Mr. Stringer has covered this quite well.
The following slide illustrates the SAGD process. This is one of the in situ processes, which more recently has gained popularity and is the most common method used in new, smaller-scale projects. SAGD stands for steam-assisted gravity drainage. In this method, pairs of horizontal wells, one above the other, are drilled into an oil sands formation, with steam injected continuously into the upper well. As the steam heats the oil sands formation, the bitumen softens and drains into the lower well. Pumps then bring the bitumen to the surface.
As shown on the next slide, existing in situ projects use natural-gas-fired boilers to generate steam. Technologies have been developed to use crude bitumen as a fuel if needed for steam generation.
One technology that could reduce energy requirements is called vapour extraction, or VAPEX. In this method, pairs of parallel horizontal wells are drilled, as in SAGD. But instead of steam, natural gas liquids such as ethane, propane, or butane are injected into the upper well to act as solvents so that the bitumen or heavy oil can flow to the lower well. An industry-government conversion is currently evaluating a VAPEX pilot project, and several operators are also testing the technology on their own leases.
In situ, as the next slide says, is expected to disturb only about 10% of the surface land in the development area and utilizes about 90% less water than current mining methods.
The next slide is on upgrading. Once extracted, the bitumen can be sold directly to the market or upgraded by the oil sands operators into a variety of crude oil products. Because most oil refineries are designed to handle only conventional light and medium crude oil, bitumen requires special processing or upgrading to make marketable commodities.
The next slide is a diagram on the upgrading process. Upgrading is usually a two-stage process. In the first stage, coking, hydro-processing, or both are used to break up the molecules. Coking removes carbon, while hydro-processing adds hydrogen. In the second stage, a process called hydro-treating is used to stabilize the products and to remove impurities such as sulphur. The hydrogen used for hydro-processing and hydro-treating is manufactured from natural gas and steam.
As the next slide shows, upgrading produces various hydrocarbon products that can be blended together into custom-made crude oil equivalent or sold or used separately. The Syncrude and Suncor mining projects use some of their production to fuel the diesel engines in their trucks and other equipment at their operations. Suncor also ships diesel fuel by pipeline to Edmonton for sale on the marketplace.
The next slide deals with transporting oil sands products. Whether synthetic crude or diluted bitumen, they are transported in the same manner and in the same pipelines as conventional crude oil. The vast pipeline system extends from the producing areas in northern Alberta to refineries in eastern Canada, the U.S. midwest, and as far south as the gulf coast.
The next slide is a map of the North American crude oil pipeline system.
The next slide shows the benefits of oil sands. Oil sands developers are expected to invest about $45 billion in the oil sands during the next four years. This is in addition to the $34 billion in capital expenditures to date.
As a result of this growth, the number of people directly and indirectly employed by the oil sands industry is expected to total nearly a quarter of a million in just two years.
The economic opportunities extend across Canada and internationally. According to the study by the Canadian Energy Research Institute that examined the impact of the oil sands development over a 20-year period, about 56% of the employment impacts from the oil sands would occur in Alberta, 27% would be in other Canadian provinces, and 17% would occur internationally. The gross domestic product gains outside Alberta are largely due to the demand for steel, vehicles, and other equipment manufactured in other provinces and countries.
Most importantly, this serious study estimates that oil sands activity will provide $123 billion in government revenues in Canada between the years 2000 and 2025. During the same period, an additional $13.5 billion in revenues will be generated for non-Canadian governments, primarily as a result of the oil sands industry relying on international manufacturing sources.
The economic, environmental, and social challenges of the oil sands arise from the nature of the resource, its location, its vast scale, and the rapid acceleration of development since the late 1990s. The soaring demand for labour and services to support the projects, and the effects on the existing aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities, are among the social challenges.
Since the 1970s, the government and oil sands companies have established programs to train and recruit aboriginal people as employees, contractors, and suppliers, and the new projects seek aboriginal involvement where possible.
The chart on the next slide depicts employment due to the oil sands. It shows 56% of oil sands employment in Alberta, 27% in other provinces, and 17% internationally. On government revenue breakdown from the oil sands, 36% of the revenue is in Alberta. Other provinces receive 23%, and Canada as a whole receives 41%.
The National Energy Board estimates that 500 cubic feet--14 cubic metres--of natural gas are used to produce a barrel of upgraded crude oil from mining upgrading projects. About twice that much is used to produce one barrel of bitumen from in situ projects. With respect to other challenges related to energy use, introducing new technologies to improve energy efficiency is generating results. Energy used in oil sands mining and extraction has been reduced by 45% through the use of new technologies, such as hydrotransport and new low-temperature extraction processes.
On challenges related to water use, as we heard Mr. Stringer say, water recycling and the use of non-potable groundwater already has reduced the impact on freshwater resources. And new technologies may reduce the large water requirements for current oil sands production methods. Companies are also working with scientists, government authorities, and forestry companies to reduce the cumulative impacts on soil, vegetation, and wildlife.
There are cooperative programs underway between government, oil companies, and forestry companies to reduce the cumulative impacts on landscapes, forest productivity, and wildlife. These include using low-impact seismic reclamation techniques, which provide for more rapid re-vegetation; protecting caribou habitat; introducing bison to reclaimed land; and, to date, planting more than eight million trees.
Improved pollution controls, such as flue scrubbers, have reduced per-barrel emissions of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulates that can cause smog and acid rain effects.
With respect to greenhouse gas emissions, bitumen extraction and upgrading, as you have heard, produce more than twice as many greenhouse gas emissions per barrel compared to conventional crude oil production. However, about 80% of emissions from oil use occur at the point of final use, such as an automobile or furnace.
Several methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have been suggested. One possibility would be to inject emissions underground, known as carbon capture and storage, or carbon sequestration. Some of the carbon dioxide might be used to enhance production from conventional oil fields.
On a per-barrel basis, greenhouse gases and other emissions have already been reduced substantially since the 1990s, but the recent rapid expansion of production has made further emissions reductions a high priority for companies and government authorities.
The next slide shows the life cycle of emissions. If upgraded crude oil from oil sands were not available, additional imports would be required in North America. Some imports, such as Venezuelan heavy crude, actually have higher life cycle emissions than upgraded crude from the Canadian oil sands.
That's the end of my presentation.